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There are 16 words containing I, 2L, P, Y and Z

LYOPHILIZElyophilize v. To freeze-dry.
LYOPHILIZE v. to dry by freezing, also LYOPHILISE.
PUZZLINGLYpuzzlingly adv. In a puzzling manner.
PUZZLING adv. PUZZLE, to cause uncertainty and indecision in.
LYOPHILIZEDlyophilized v. Simple past tense and past participle of lyophilize.
lyophilized adj. Freeze-dried.
LYOPHILIZE v. to dry by freezing, also LYOPHILISE.
LYOPHILIZERlyophilizer n. Freeze-drying equipment; freeze-dryer.
LYOPHILIZER n. a freeze dryer, also LYOPHILISER.
LYOPHILIZESlyophilizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lyophilize.
LYOPHILIZE v. to dry by freezing, also LYOPHILISE.
POLYZOARIALpolyzoarial adj. Polyzoan.
POLYZOARIAL adj. relating to a polyzoarium, a bryozoan colony or supporting structure.
LYOPHILIZERSlyophilizers n. Plural of lyophilizer.
LYOPHILIZER n. a freeze dryer, also LYOPHILISER.
LYOPHILIZINGlyophilizing v. Present participle of lyophilize.
LYOPHILIZE v. to dry by freezing, also LYOPHILISE.
PARALYZINGLYparalyzingly adv. In a paralyzing manner.
PARALYZING adv. PARALYZE, to render incapable of movement, also PARALYSE.
PLASMOLYZINGplasmolyzing v. Present participle of plasmolyze.
PLASMOLYZE v. to undergo plasmolysis, the removal of water from a cell by osmosis, also PLASMOLYSE.
EPIZOOTICALLYepizootically adv. In the manner of an epizootic; in a way that affects a particular species or range of species.
epizootically adv. Regarding epizootics; in the context of the study of epizootics.
EPIZOOTIC adv. of a disease, affecting many animals of one kind at the same time.
LYOPHILIZATIONlyophilization n. Freeze-drying; the removal of moisture from a frozen material using vacuum.
POLARIZABILITYpolarizability n. (Physics) The relative tendency of a system of electric charges to become polarized in the presence…
POLARIZABILITY n. the state of being polarizable.
LYOPHILIZATIONSlyophilizations n. Plural of lyophilization.
PIEZOMETRICALLYpiezometrically adv. In a piezometric manner.
PIEZOMETRIC adv. relating measurement by piezometer.
ZOOPHYTOLOGICALzoophytological adj. Of or pertaining to zoophytology.
ZOOPHYTOLOGICAL adj. relating to zoophytology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 163 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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