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There are 19 words containing I, K, 2L, U and Y

BULKILYbulkily adv. In a bulky manner.
BULKY adv. having bulk.
FLUKILYflukily adv. In a fluky way; with unexpected luck.
FLUKY adv. lucky, by accidental success, also FLUKEY.
LUCKILYluckily adv. In a lucky manner; by good fortune; fortunately.
LUCKY adv. fortunate.
SULKILYsulkily adv. In a sulky manner.
SULKY adv. in a resentful mood.
BAULKILYBAULKY adv. stubborn.
PLUCKILYpluckily adv. In a plucky manner.
PLUCKY adv. brave and spirited.
UNLIKELYunlikely adj. Not likely; improbable; not to be reasonably expected.
unlikely adj. Not holding out a prospect of success; likely to fail; unpromising.
unlikely adv. In an improbable manner.
LURKINGLYlurkingly adv. So as to lurk; in sinister concealment.
LURKING adv. lying in wait.
SKILFULLYskilfully adv. Britain standard spelling of skillfully.
SKILFUL adv. full of skill, also SKILFULL, SKILLFUL.
UNLUCKILYunluckily adv. Without luck; unfortunately.
UNLUCKY adv. not lucky.
BAULKINGLYbaulkingly adv. Alternative form of balkingly.
BAULKING adv. BAULK, to refrain from proceeding, also BALK, BAUK.
SKILLFULLYskillfully adv. In a skillful manner; with skill.
SKILLFUL adv. having skill, also SKILFUL, SKILLY.
SKULKINGLYskulkingly adv. In a skulking manner.
UNLADYLIKEunladylike adj. Not ladylike; ill-mannered.
UNLADYLIKE adj. not ladylike.
CHUCKLINGLYchucklingly adv. In a chuckling manner.
CHUCKLING adv. laughing quietly.
UNSKILFULLYunskilfully adv. Alternative spelling of unskillfully.
UNSKILFUL adv. not skilful, also UNSKILLFUL.
UNBLINKINGLYunblinkingly adv. Without blinking.
UNBLINKING adv. not blinking.
UNSKILLFULLYunskillfully adv. In an unskilled manner.
UNSKILLFUL adv. not skillful, also UNSKILFUL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 239 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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