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There are 19 words containing 2I, K, M, T and U

ANTILEUKEMICantileukemic adj. (Oncology, pharmacology) Preventing or countering leukemia.
antileukemic n. Any drug that prevents or counters leukemia.
ANTILEUKEMIC adj. counteracting the effects of leukemia.
GEMUTLICHKEITgemutlichkeit n. Alternative form of Gemütlichkeit.
gemütlichkeit n. Misspelling of Gemütlichkeit.
Gemütlichkeit n. The state or fact of being gemütlich; middle-class niceness or cosiness, hospitality.
GEMUTLICHKEITSGEMUTLICHKEIT n. (German) the quality of being gemutlich; geniality; cosiness.
KERATOMILEUSISkeratomileusis n. (Surgery) Improvement of the refractive state of the cornea, performed by cutting a thin hinged flap…
KIBBUTZIMkibbutzim n. Plural of kibbutz.
KIBBUTZ n. (Hebrew) a collective farm in Israel.
MULTIDISKmultidisk adj. Involving more than one disk.
MULTIDISK adj. using, holding, or involving multiple disks and especially optical disks.
MULTIRISKmultirisk adj. Of or pertaining to more than one type of risk.
MULTIRISK adj. (of insurance) covering several risks.
MULTISKILLmultiskill adj. Of or pertaining to multiple skills.
MULTISKILL v. to train (employees) in several skills.
MULTISKILLEDmultiskilled adj. Having multiple skills.
MULTISKILL v. to train (employees) in several skills.
MULTISKILLINGmultiskilling n. Training in multiple skills.
MULTISKILLING n. in technologically advanced industries, the training of employees in a variety of skills.
MULTISKILLINGSMULTISKILLING n. in technologically advanced industries, the training of employees in a variety of skills.
MULTISKILLSmultiskills n. Multiple skills.
MULTISKILL v. to train (employees) in several skills.
MULTISTRIKEmultistrike adj. (Of an ink ribbon in a typewriter or printer) Capable of producing multiple impressions from the same…
MULTISTRIKE n. an ink ribbon for use on an electronic typewriter or printer which is struck by keys at different points vertically, often used to produce bold print.
MULTISTRIKESMULTISTRIKE n. an ink ribbon for use on an electronic typewriter or printer which is struck by keys at different points vertically, often used to produce bold print.
MULTITASKINGmultitasking v. Present participle of multitask.
multitasking n. (Computing) The simultaneous execution of multiple tasks (programs) under the control of an interrupt-driven…
multitasking n. (Buzzword, figuratively) The practice or capability of handling more than one task at the same time.
MULTITASKINGSMULTITASKING n. the action of running several processes or jobs simultaneously on a system.
MULTITRACKINGmultitracking n. Multitrack recording.
MULTITRACK v. to make a recording using many tracks.
THUMBIKINSthumbikins n. An instrument of torture for compressing the thumb; a thumbkin or thumbscrew.
thumbikins n. Plural of thumbikin.
THUMBIKINS n. (Scots) an instrument of torture for compressing the thumb; a thumbscrew, also THUMBKIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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