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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing I, 2R, T and 2U

COUTURIERcouturier n. A person who designs haute couture (high fashion).
couturier n. A company that is owned by or employs such a person; a fashion house.
Couturier prop.n. A surname.
DURICRUSTduricrust n. (Soil science) A thin hard layer found near the surface in soil.
DURICRUST n. gravel, sand, or desert debris cemented by calcium carbonate, an accumulated product of chemical weathering in a dry climate.
FURNITUREfurniture n. (Now usually uncountable) Large movable item(s), usually in a room, which enhance(s) the room’s characteristics…
furniture n. The harness, trappings etc. of a horse, hawk, or other animal.
furniture n. Fittings, such as handles, of a door, coffin, or other wooden item.
NOURITUREnouriture n. Obsolete form of nurture.
NOURITURE n. nourishment, nurture, also NOURRITURE.
NURTURINGnurturing v. Present participle of nurture.
NURTURE v. to nourish.
QUAERITURQUAERITUR v. (Latin) the question is asked.
RUPTURINGrupturing v. Present participle of rupture.
RUPTURE v. to burst.
UTRICULARutricular adj. Of, pertaining to, or having utricles.
UTRICULAR adj. like or having a utricle, also UTRICULATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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