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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing I, O, R, T, U and Y

AUTHORITYauthority n. (Uncountable) Power or right to make or enforce rules or give orders; or a position having such power or right.
authority n. (In the plural) Persons, regarded collectively, who occupy official positions of power; police or law enforcement.
authority n. (Countable) A reliable, definitive source of information on a subject.
CAUTIONRYcautionry n. (Scotland, law) suretyship.
CAUTIONRY n. in Scots law, the act of giving security for another.
CONGRUITYcongruity n. The quality of agreeing; the quality of being suitable and appropriate.
congruity n. An instance or point of agreement or correspondence; a resemblance.
CONGRUITY n. agreement between things.
CURIOSITYcuriosity n. (Uncountable) Inquisitiveness; the tendency to ask and learn about things by asking questions, investigating…
curiosity n. A unique or extraordinary object which arouses interest.
curiosity n. (Obsolete) Careful, delicate construction; fine workmanship, delicacy of building.
CURSITORYCURSITORY adj. relating to a cursitor, a clerk or officer in the Court of Chancery, who made out writs de cursu.
EURYTOPICeurytopic adj. (Biology) Describing a plant or animal that is found in a wide range of environments, and is thus widely distributed.
EURYTOPIC adj. tolerant of wide variation in one or more environmental factors.
EUTHYROIDeuthyroid adj. Having normal thyroid function.
euthyroid n. A person with a normally functioning thyroid.
EUTHYROID n. someone with normal thyroid function.
FURIOSITYfuriosity n. (Obsolete) furiousness; fury.
FURIOSITY n. madness.
JUNIORITYjuniority n. The quality or state of being junior.
JUNIORITY n. the state of being junior.
OBSCURITYobscurity n. (Literary) Darkness; the absence of light.
obscurity n. The state of being unknown; a thing that is unknown.
obscurity n. The quality of being difficult to understand; a thing that is difficult to understand.
OUTCRYINGoutcrying v. Present participle of outcry.
outcrying n. A crying out.
OUTCRY v. to cry louder than.
OUTHYRINGOUTHYRE v. (Spenser) to hire out.
RIOTOUSLYriotously adv. In a riotous manner.
riotously adv. In a manner that causes uncontrollable laughter.
RIOTOUS adv. characterized by rioting.
ROTUNDITYrotundity n. The quality of being rotund.
ROTUNDITY n. the state of being rotund.
ROUTINELYroutinely adv. In a routine manner, in a way that has become common or expected.
routinely adv. Done by rote or habit, as part of a routine, without attention or concern.
ROUTINE adv. regular.
TRIGYNOUStrigynous adj. (Botany) Having three pistils or styles.
TRIGYNOUS adj. having three pistils or styles, also TRIGYNIAN.
ULOTRICHYulotrichy n. Quality of being ulotrichous.
ULOTRICHY n. the state of being woolly-haired.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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