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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing I, 3O, S and T

COOPTIONScooptions n. Plural of cooption.
co-options n. Plural of co-option.
COOPTION n. the act of coopting, also COOPTATION.
HOROPITOSHOROPITO n. (Maori) a bushy New Zealand shrub, with red aromatic peppery leaves.
NOTORIOUSnotorious adj. Senses with an unfavourable connotation.
notorious adj. Senses with a favourable or neutral connotation.
notorious adv. (Obsolete) Synonym of notoriously.
OCOTILLOSocotillos n. Plural of ocotillo.
OCOTILLO n. (Nahuatl) a cactus-like Mexican tree.
ODONTOIDSodontoids n. Plural of odontoid.
ODONTOID n. a toothlike projection from the second vertebra of the neck.
OOLOGISTSoologists n. Plural of oologist.
oölogists n. Plural of oölogist.
OOLOGIST n. an expert in oology.
ORATORIOSoratorios n. Plural of oratorio.
ORATORIO n. (Italian) a choral work usually on a scriptural subject.
OROLOGISTorologist n. (Obsolete, rare) One versed in orology.
OROLOGIST n. one versed in orology, the study of mountains, also OREOLOGIST.
ORRISROOTorrisroot n. The root of the orris.
ORRISROOT n. the root of orris, used in perfumery.
OTOLOGIESotologies n. Plural of otology.
OTOLOGY n. the science of the ear.
OTOLOGISTotologist n. A doctor specializing in otology.
OTOLOGIST n. a practitioner of otology, the study of the ear.
OTOSCOPICotoscopic adj. Relating to otoscopy or otoscopes.
OTOSCOPIC adj. relating to otoscopy, the examination of the ear.
TOKOLOSHITOKOLOSHI n. (Zulu) in Bantu folklore, a hairy malevolent dwarflike creature with supernatural powers, also TIKOLOSHE, TOKOLOSHE.
VOODOOISTvoodooist n. A practitioner or student of voodoo.
VOODOOIST n. a practitioner of voodoo.
ZOOLOGISTzoologist n. One who studies zoology.
zoölogist n. Alternative spelling of zoologist.
ZOOLOGIST n. one who studies zoology.
ZOONOMISTzoonomist n. One who studies zoonomy.
ZOONOMIST n. an animal physiologist.
ZOOTOMIESzootomies n. Plural of zootomy.
ZOOTOMY n. the dissection of animals.
ZOOTOMISTzootomist n. One who carries out zootomies.
zoötomist n. Alternative form of zootomist.
ZOOTOMIST n. one who dissects animals, or is skilled in zootomy.
ZOOTOXINSzootoxins n. Plural of zootoxin.
ZOOTOXIN n. a toxin produced by an animal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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