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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing I, N, S, T, U and Y

AUTOLYSINautolysin n. (Biochemistry) Any enzyme that hydrolyses a component of the cell (or tissue) in which it is produced.
AUTOLYSIN n. any agent that produces autolysis.
BUTTINSKYbuttinsky n. (Derogatory) One who is prone to butt in, interrupt, or get involved where they are not welcome; a busybody.
buttinsky n. (Telecommunications) Alternative spelling of buttinski (“a robust portable one-piece telephone instrument…
BUTTINSKY n. a person given to butting in, a troublesome meddler, also BUTTINSKI.
CURTSYINGcurtsying v. Present participle of curtsy.
curtsying n. The act of dropping a curtsy.
CURTSY v. to bow politely, also CURTSEY.
FUNGOSITYfungosity n. The quality of being fungous.
fungosity n. A fungal growth.
FUNGOSITY n. the quality of being fungous.
INSULSITYinsulsity n. (Obsolete) insipidity; stupidity; dullness.
INSULSITY n. stupidity.
OUTSAYINGOUTSAY v. to surpass in saying.
RUNTISHLYruntishly adv. In a runtish manner.
RUNTISH adv. somewhat runty.
SINUATELYsinuately adv. In a sinuate manner.
SINUATE adv. curved.
SINUOSITYsinuosity n. The property of being sinuous.
SINUOSITY n. the state of being sinuous.
STRENUITYstrenuity n. (Obsolete) strenuousness; activity.
STRENUITY n. strenuousness; activity.
SURETYINGSURETY v. (Shakespeare) to be security for.
SYNCYTIUMsyncytium n. (Biology) A mass of cytoplasm containing many nuclei; a multinucleate cell resulting from cell fusions…
SYNCYTIUM n. a multinucleate cell.
TRIGYNOUStrigynous adj. (Botany) Having three pistils or styles.
TRIGYNOUS adj. having three pistils or styles, also TRIGYNIAN.
UNSAINTLYunsaintly adj. Not saintly.
UNSAINTLY adj. not like a saint.
UNSIGHTLYunsightly adj. Displeasing to the eye.
UNSIGHTLY adj. unpleasant to look at.
UNSTAYINGunstaying v. Present participle of unstay.
UNSTAYING adj. not staying.
UNSTYLISHunstylish adj. Not stylish; unfashionable.
UNSTYLISH adj. not stylish.
UPSTAYINGupstaying v. Present participle of upstay.
UPSTAY v. to sustain.
VISCOUNTYviscounty n. The territory administered by a viscount as (notably royal) official.
viscounty n. An estate held (as fief or nominally) with the title of viscount.
VISCOUNTY n. the rank or office of a viscount, also VISCOUNTCY.
WHYDUNITSwhydunits n. Plural of whydunit.
WHYDUNIT n. a novel or film concerned with motives, as opposed to whodunit, also WHYDUNNIT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 69 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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