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There are 19 nine-letter words containing I, N, O, R and 2U

HUMOURINGhumouring v. Present participle of humour.
HUMOUR v. to indulge, also HUMOR.
INCURIOUSincurious adj. Lacking interest or curiosity; uninterested.
incurious adj. Apathetic or indifferent.
INCURIOUS adj. not curious, also UNCURIOUS.
INJURIOUSinjurious adj. Causing physical harm or injury; harmful, hurtful.
injurious adj. Causing harm to one’s reputation; invidious, defamatory, libelous, slanderous.
INJURIOUS adj. causing injury.
NOURITUREnouriture n. Obsolete form of nurture.
NOURITURE n. nourishment, nurture, also NOURRITURE.
OUTDURINGoutduring v. Present participle of outdure.
OUTDURE v. (obsolete) to outlast.
PENURIOUSpenurious adj. Miserly; excessively cheap.
penurious adj. Not bountiful; thin; scant.
penurious adj. Impoverished; wanting for money.
POURSUINGpoursuing v. Present participle of poursue.
POURSUE v. (Spenser) to pursue, also PERSUE, POURSEW, PURSEW.
PURDONIUMpurdonium n. A coal scuttle.
PURDONIUM n. a kind of coal-scuttle introduced by a Mr Purdon.
RUBINEOUSrubineous adj. Of a glassy semitransparent crimson, like a ruby.
RUBINEOUS adj. ruby-red.
RUINOUSLYruinously adv. In a way that will cause ruin.
RUINOUS adv. destructive.
RUMOURINGrumouring v. Present participle of rumour.
RUMOUR v. to spread by hearsay, also RUMOR.
UNCURIOUSuncurious adj. Incurious; not eager to learn or find answers.
uncurious adj. Not odd; not strange.
UNCURIOUS adj. not curious, also INCURIOUS.
UNGUIFORMunguiform adj. Claw-shaped.
UNGUIFORM adj. shaped like a claw.
UNICOLOURunicolour adj. (British spelling) Alternative form of unicolor.
UNIPAROUSuniparous adj. (Zoology) Producing a single egg or offspring at one time.
uniparous adj. (Medicine) Primiparous.
uniparous adj. (Botany) Having a cluster of flowers that form a single axis at each branching.
UNIRAMOUSuniramous adj. Composed of only one branch.
UNIRAMOUS adj. esp. of the appendages of crustaceans, consisting of a single branch, also UNIRAMOSE.
UNSERIOUSunserious adj. Not serious; characterized by a lack of seriousness (Of attitude, approach, style etc.).
UNSERIOUS adj. not serious.
UPROUSINGuprousing v. Present participle of uprouse.
UPROUSE v. to rouse up.
UREDINOUSuredinous adj. Relating to the uredo.
UREDINOUS adj. containing uredines, rust spores.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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