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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing I, N, 2O, T and Y

AMNIOTOMYamniotomy n. (Medicine) An artificial rupture of membranes to induce or accelerate labour.
AMNIOTOMY n. surgical removal of the amnion.
AMYOTONIAamyotonia n. Lack of normal muscular tension or tonus, especially when congenital.
AMYOTONIA n. deficiency of muscle tone.
CYTOTOXINcytotoxin n. (Cytology) Any substance having a specific toxic effect on certain cells.
CYTOTOXIN n. a cell-damaging drug.
HYPNOTOIDhypnotoid adj. Resembling hypnotism.
HYPNOTOID adj. like hypnosis.
HYPOTONIAhypotonia n. An abnormal loss of muscle tone.
HYPOTONIA n. a hypnotic condition.
HYPOTONIChypotonic adj. (Of a solution) Having a lower osmotic pressure than another.
hypotonic adj. (Medicine) Showing less than normal tension in the muscles or muscle tissue.
HYPOTONIC adj. of muscles, lacking normal tone.
IONOTROPYionotropy n. (Chemistry) A form of tautomerism involving the movement or redistribution of charges.
ionotropy n. (Physiology) The regulation of neurotransmitters or cell receptors by ion channels.
IONOTROPY n. the reversible interconversion of a pair of organic isomers.
MONOCYTICmonocytic adj. Of or pertaining to monocytes.
MONOCYTIC adj. of or like a monocyte, a large white blood corpuscle.
MONOTYPICmonotypic adj. (Taxonomy) Relating to or exhibiting monotypy.
MONOTYPIC adj. of a genus, containing only one species.
MYCOBIONTmycobiont n. (Lichenology) The fungus that is a component of a lichen.
MYCOBIONT n. the fungal constituent of a lichen.
MYCOTOXINmycotoxin n. (Biochemistry) Any substance, produced by a mold or fungus, that is injurious to vertebrates upon ingestion…
MYCOTOXIN n. a poison derived from fungi.
MYOTONIASmyotonias n. Plural of myotonia.
MYOTONIA n. muscular spasm or rigidity.
NOTORIETYnotoriety n. An infamous or notorious condition or reputation.
NOTORIETY n. the state of being notorious.
ONCOLYTIConcolytic adj. That breaks up cancer cells.
oncolytic n. Any drug or substance that breaks up cancer cells.
ONCOLYTIC n. an agent that destroys tumours.
OXYTOCINSoxytocins n. Plural of oxytocin.
OXYTOCIN n. a pituitary hormone that stimulates uterine muscle contraction.
TOPONYMICtoponymic adj. Of, or relating to a toponym.
toponymic adj. Named after a place.
TOPONYMIC adj. relating to toponymy, the study of place-names, also TOPONYMAL, TOPONYMICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 73 words
  • Scrabble in French: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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