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There are 16 nine-letter words containing I, 2N, O, T and W

ANTIWOMANantiwoman adj. Opposed to women.
ANTIWOMAN adj. opposed to women.
NIGHTGOWNnightgown n. A long loose robe worn mainly by women for sleeping in.
nightgown n. A dressing gown.
NIGHTGOWN n. a gown worn for bed.
NONWHITESnonwhites n. Plural of nonwhite.
non-whites n. Plural of non-white.
NONWHITE n. a person who is not of the white race.
NONWRITERnonwriter n. A person who is not a writer.
NONWRITER n. someone who is not a writer.
STOWNDINGstownding v. Present participle of stownd.
STOWND v. to ache, throb, also STOUND.
STOWNLINSSTOWNLINS adv. (Scots) by stealth, also STOWLINS.
THINDOWNSTHINDOWN n. a lessening of the number of atomic particles in the air.
TOPMINNOWtopminnow n. Any of the ray-finned fish in the taxonomic family Fundulidae.
top␣minnow n. A small viviparous freshwater mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) abundant in the southern United States.
top␣minnow n. Any other mosquitofish.
TOWNLINGStownlings n. Plural of townling.
TOWNLING n. a town dweller.
UNSTOWINGunstowing v. Present participle of unstow.
UNSTOW v. to empty of contents.
WANTONINGwantoning v. Present participle of wanton.
wantoning n. (Archaic) wanton behaviour.
WANTON v. to behave in a wanton fashion.
WANTONISEwantonise v. Alternative form of wantonize.
WANTONISE v. (archaic) to play the wanton, also WANTONIZE.
WANTONIZEwantonize v. (Intransitive) To be wanton; to indulge in lewdness, flirtation or lasciviousness.
WANTONIZE v. (archaic) to play the wanton, also WANTONISE.
WHINSTONEwhinstone n. A stone used to crush whin for use as winter feed for cattle.
whinstone n. (Quarrying industry) Any hard dark-coloured rock.
WHINSTONE n. a hard and compact rock, also WHUNSTANE.
WHODUNNITwhodunnit n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of whodunit.
WHODUNNIT n. a mystery novel, also WHODUNIT.
WITWANTONwitwanton n. (Archaic) One who indulges in idle, foolish, and irreverent fancies or speculations; one who tries to…
witwanton v. (Archaic) To indulge in vain, sportive, or irreverent wit; speculate idly or irreverently.
wit-wanton n. Alternative form of witwanton.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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