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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing I, 3N, O and R

CANNONIERcannonier n. Alternative form of cannoneer.
CANNONIER n. a soldier who managed and fired a cannon, also CANNONEER.
NONBINARYnonbinary adj. Alternative spelling of non-binary.
nonbinary n. Alternative spelling of non-binary.
non-binary adj. Not binary.
NONDRYINGnondrying adj. Not drying; remaining wet.
nondrying adj. Of a garment, not requiring use of a dryer after washing.
NONDRYING adj. that does not dry.
NONINJURYnoninjury n. A practice or philosophy of not causing injury to others.
noninjury adj. Not of or pertaining to injury.
NONINJURY adj. relating to something that is not an injury.
NONJOINERnonjoiner n. One who does not join (A movement, organisation, etc.).
NONJOINER n. one who does not join.
NONJURINGnonjuring adj. (Historical, Anglicanism) Describing the bishops, clergy and congregations that refused to swear allegiance…
nonjuring adj. (Historical) Describing the bishops and clergy that refused to take the oath of fidelity to the French…
non-juring adj. Alternative form of nonjuring.
NONLINEARnonlinear adj. (Of a set of points) Not lying on a straight line.
nonlinear adj. (Chemistry, of a molecule) Whose atoms do not lie in a straight line.
nonlinear adj. (Mathematics, of a function) Having a product of independent variables, or a variable with an exponent…
NONRULINGnonruling adj. Not ruling; not in power.
NONRULING adj. not ruling.
NONSHRINKnonshrink adj. Synonym of nonshrinking.
NONSHRINK adj. of a fabric, resistant to shrinking.
NONSIGNERnonsigner n. One who does not sign; a nonsignatory.
nonsigner n. One who is not a signer, who does not use sign language.
NONSIGNER n. one who does not sign.
NONVIRGINnonvirgin n. One who is not a virgin.
NONVIRGIN n. someone who is not a virgin.
RECONNINGreconning v. Present participle of recon.
RECON v. to conduct a preliminary survey.
REDONNINGredonning v. Present participle of redon.
REDON v. to don again.
RENOWNINGrenowning v. Present participle of renown.
RENOWN v. to make famous.
TRUNNIONStrunnions n. Plural of trunnion.
TRUNNION n. a pivot on which something can be rotated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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