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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing I, 3N and 2O

BANDONIONbandonion n. Alternative spelling of bandoneon.
BANDONION n. a kind of button accordion popular in South America, also BANDOLEON, BANDONEON.
CONDONINGcondoning v. Present participle of condone.
CONDONE v. to forgive or overlook.
CONNATIONconnation n. The congenital (or sometimes developmental) fusion of organs of the same type.
connation n. The learned impulse to behave in a certain way in response to specific stimulii.
CONNATION n. union, esp. of similar parts or organs.
CONNEXIONconnexion n. (Chiefly UK) Dated spelling of connection.
connexion n. (Religion).
CONNEXION n. the act of connecting, also CONNECTION.
CONNOTINGconnoting v. Present participle of connote.
CONNOTE v. to imply another meaning other than the literal one.
NEONOMIANNeonomian adj. Relating to Neonomianism.
Neonomian n. One who subscribes to Neonomianism.
NEONOMIAN n. one who advocates adherence to new laws; esp. one who holds or believes that the gospel is a new law.
NONACTIONnonaction n. The absence of action; failure to act.
NONACTION n. not action.
NONCODINGnoncoding adj. (Genetics, of a portion of DNA) That does not code for protein.
NONCODING adj. of DNA, not contributing to the code.
NONCOKINGnoncoking adj. Not coking.
NONCOKING adj. not coking.
NONILLIONnonillion num. (US, modern British & Australian, short scale) 1030.
nonillion num. (Dated British & Australian, long scale) 1054.
nonillion n. (Hyperbolic) An unspecified very large number.
NONJOINERnonjoiner n. One who does not join (A movement, organisation, etc.).
NONJOINER n. one who does not join.
NONLOVINGnonloving adj. Not loving.
NONLOVING adj. not loving.
NONMOVINGnonmoving adj. Not moving; stationary; inert.
NONMOVING adj. not moving.
NONUNIONSnonunions n. Plural of nonunion.
NONUNION n. failure of a broken bone to heal.
NONVOTINGnonvoting adj. Lacking the right to vote.
NONVOTING adj. not voting.
ONIONSKINonionskin n. A thin, strong, light, translucent paper; used especially for making carbon copies.
onion␣skin n. Alternative form of onionskin (“kind of translucent paper”).
ONIONSKIN n. a very thin variety of paper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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