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There are 19 nine-letter words containing I, M, 2R, T and U

ARBITRIUMARBITRIUM n. (Latin) a power of decision.
CRITERIUMcriterium n. (Cycling) A mass-start road-cycle race consisting of several laps around a closed circuit, the length…
criterium n. Alternative form of criterion.
CRITERIUM n. a kind of cycling race.
FRUITWORMfruitworm n. The larva of any of several moths; they are responsible for damage to many types of fruit crop.
FRUITWORM n. any of numerous insect larvae mainly of the orders Diptera and Lepidoptera that feed on or in fruits.
IMMATURERimmaturer adj. Comparative form of immature: more immature.
IMMATURE adj. not mature.
INTERMUREINTERMURE v. (obsolete) to wall in.
MARTYRIUMmartyrium n. A tomb or other edifice erected in homage to a martyr.
martyrium n. (Rhetoric) Confirming something by referring to one’s own experience.
MARTYRIUM n. (Latin) a shrine erected in honour of a martyred person, also MARTYRY.
REMIXTUREremixture n. Product that was or is created from items that have been mixed again.
remixture n. Action or process of mixing (something) once more.
REMIXTURE n. the act of remixing.
RUMINATORruminator n. One who ruminates; one who meditates or reflects.
RUMINATOR n. one who ruminates.
SMURRIESTSMURRY adj. (Scots) like smur, a fine drizzly rain.
TAURIFORMtauriform adj. Having the form of a bull.
TAURIFORM adj. having the form of a bull.
TERRARIUMterrarium n. An enclosure wherein small animals are displayed, usually with some plants, in a naturalistic setting.
terrarium n. A partially enclosed glass container for displaying plants, especially plants that need high humidity.
TERRARIUM n. (Latin) a glass enclosure for plants.
THRUMMIERTHRUMMY adj. made of or like thrums, that is, ends of the warp threads in a loom, left unwoven and remaining attached to the loom when the web is cut off.
TRIFORIUMtriforium n. (Architecture) The gallery of arches above the side-aisle vaulting in the nave of a church.
TRIFORIUM n. a gallery in a church.
TRIMEROUStrimerous adj. (Botany) Organized in threes; having parts in numbers that are multiples of three.
trimerous adj. (Zoology) Having three joints.
TRIMEROUS adj. of a flower, having the parts, esp. the petals or sepals, in threes.
TRIUMPHERtriumpher n. (Historical, Roman antiquity) One who was honoured with a triumph; a victor.
triumpher n. One who triumphs or rejoices in victory.
TRIUMPHER n. one who was honored with a triumph; a victor.
TRIUMVIRItriumviri n. Plural of triumvir.
TRIUMVIR n. (Latin) one of a ruling body of three in ancient Rome.
TRIUMVIRStriumvirs n. Plural of triumvir.
TRIUMVIR n. (Latin) one of a ruling body of three in ancient Rome.
TRIUMVIRYtriumviry n. (Obsolete) A triumvirate.
TRIUMVIRY n. (obsolete) a triumvirate.
TURMERICSturmerics n. Plural of turmeric.
TURMERIC n. a spice used in Indian cooking.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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