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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing I, M, 2O and 2R

COBRIFORMcobriform adj. Shaped like a cobra.
COBRIFORM adj. like or related to the cobra.
CONFIRMORconfirmor n. (Law) One who performs the confirmation of an estate; the grantor of a deed of confirmation.
confirmor n. (Hong Kong, specifically) A purchaser of real estate who resells the property before the transaction is completed.
CONFIRMOR n. one who confirms, also CONFIRMER.
CORDIFORMcordiform adj. Shaped like a heart; cordate.
CORDIFORM adj. heart-shaped.
CORNIFORMcorniform adj. Having the shape of a horn; horn-shaped.
CORNIFORM adj. shaped like a horn.
DORMITORYdormitory n. A room containing a number of beds (and often some other furniture and/or utilities) for sleeping, often…
dormitory n. A building or part of a building which houses students, soldiers, monks etc. who sleep there and use…
dormitory n. A dormitory town.
FIREROOMSfirerooms n. Plural of fireroom.
FIREROOM n. a room containing a ship's boilers.
FLORIFORMfloriform adj. Shaped like a flower.
FLORIFORM adj. shaped like a flower.
GRILLROOMgrillroom n. A restaurant serving grilled food.
grill␣room n. A restaurant that specializes in grilled food, where often the food can be seen being prepared by the chefs.
GRILLROOM n. a room where grills are prepared.
MICROFORMmicroform n. Microfilm, microfiche or similar materials.
microform n. (Biology) A microscopic form of life; an animal or vegetable organism of microscopic size.
MICROFORM n. a process for reproducing printed matter in much reduced size.
MICROMORTmicromort n. A unit of risk equivalent to a one-in-a-million probability of death.
MICROMORT n. a unit of risk equal to a one in a million chance of dying.
MICROPOREmicropore n. A microscopic pore.
micropore n. (Chemistry) A pore of size 0-2 nanometers.
MICROPORE n. a very small pore.
MIROMIROSMIROMIRO n. (Maori) a small New Zealand bird.
MORATORIAmoratoria n. Plural of moratorium.
MORATORIUM n. a legal authorization to a debtor to postpone payment for a certain time; the period of such a postponement.
POROMERICporomeric n. A kind of artificial leather made from a plastic coating (usually a polyurethane) on a fibrous base…
POROMERIC adj. permeable to water vapour.
POROMERIC n. a poromeric substance.
PRODROMICprodromic adj. Prodromal.
PRODROMIC adj. of or pertaining to prodromes; as, the prodromal stage of a disease, also PRODROMAL.
PROMISORSpromisors n. Plural of promisor.
PROMISOR n. one who promises, also PROMISER, PROMISSOR.
PROMISSORpromissor n. Alternative form of promisor.
PROMISSOR n. one who makes a (legal) promise, also PROMISER, PROMISOR.
REMONTOIRremontoir n. A device in a clock which provides a regular impulse to the pendulum.
REMONTOIR n. any of various devices used in watches, clocks etc. to compensate for errors, also REMONTOIRE.
TRIMOTORStrimotors n. Plural of trimotor.
TRIMOTOR n. an aeroplane powered by three engines.
WORRISOMEworrisome adj. Causing worry; perturbing or vexing.
worrisome adj. (Of a person) Inclined to worry.
WORRISOME adj. causing worry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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