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There are 18 nine-letter words containing I, M, N, 2R and U

ARMOURINGarmouring v. Present participle of armour.
armouring n. Armour or shielding.
ARMOUR v. to dress with defensive covering, also ARMOR.
DEMURRINGdemurring v. Present participle of demur.
demurring n. Demurral.
DEMUR v. to object.
INTERMUREINTERMURE v. (obsolete) to wall in.
JUMARRINGjumarring v. Present participle of jumar.
JUMAR v. to climb using ropes and clips.
MUIRBURNSMUIRBURN n. the seasonal burning of heather on moorland to promote new growth, also MOORBURN.
MURDERINGmurdering v. Present participle of murder.
murdering n. The act of committing murder.
MURDER v. to kill unlawfully with premeditated malice.
MURMURINGmurmuring v. Present participle of murmur.
murmuring n. A sound that murmurs.
murmuring n. A complaint against something.
MURRAINEDmurrained adj. Afflicted with murrain (cattle disease).
MURRAINED adj. affected with the murrain, a cattle disease.
MURRHINESmurrhines n. Plural of murrhine.
MURRHINE n. a kind of clear glassware used to make ancient Roman vases, also MURRINE, MYRRHINE.
NUMERAIREnumeraire n. Alternative spelling of numéraire.
numéraire n. A basic standard by which values are measured.
NUMERAIRE n. (French) a standard for currency exchange rates.
RANARIUMSranariums n. Plural of ranarium.
RANARIUM n. (Latin) a place for rearing frogs.
RUMINATORruminator n. One who ruminates; one who meditates or reflects.
RUMINATOR n. one who ruminates.
RUMOURINGrumouring v. Present participle of rumour.
RUMOUR v. to spread by hearsay, also RUMOR.
UNDERBRIMunderbrim n. The underside of a hat’s brim.
UNDERBRIM n. a facing on the underside of a hat brim.
UNIFORMERuniformer adj. Comparative form of uniform: more uniform.
UNIFORM adj. consistent.
UNMARRIEDunmarried adj. Having no husband or wife.
unmarried n. An unmarried person.
UNMARRIED adj. not married.
UNMARRIESunmarries v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unmarry.
UNMARRY v. to dissolve the marriage of.
UNMERRIERUNMERRY adj. not merry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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