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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing I, M, 2N, R and S

AMORNINGSamornings adv. (Obsolete) In the mornings.
a-mornings adv. (Obsolete) In the morning; every morning.
AMORNINGS adv. (dialect) of a morning.
ENCRIMSONencrimson v. (Transitive) To make crimson or redden.
ENCRIMSON v. to colour crimson.
FINNMARKSFinnmarks n. Plural of Finnmark.
FINNMARK n. the monetary unit of Finland, also FINMARK.
INNERMOSTinnermost adj. Farthest inside or towards the center or middle.
innermost n. That which is innermost; the core.
INNERMOST adj. farthest in.
MANDARINSmandarins n. Plural of mandarin.
MANDARIN n. a member of one of nine ranks of public officials in the Chinese Empire.
MANNERISMmannerism n. A noticeable personal habit, a verbal or other (often, but not necessarily unconscious) habitual behavior…
mannerism n. Exaggerated or affected style in art, speech, or other behavior.
mannerism n. (Art, literature) In literature, an ostentatious and unnatural style of the second half of the sixteenth…
MANNERISTmannerist n. Someone especially interested in personal manners.
mannerist n. One who has many idiosyncratic mannerisms.
mannerist n. A proponent of mannerism in literature or art.
MANURINGSmanurings n. Plural of manuring.
MANURING n. the act of fertilizing.
MONSIGNORmonsignor n. Alternative letter-case form of Monsignor.
Monsignor n. (Roman Catholicism) An ecclesiastic title bestowed on some Roman Catholic clerics by the Pope.
MONSIGNOR n. (Italian) an honorific title given to a Roman Catholic prelate, officer of the papal court and household, etc.
MOURNINGSmournings n. Plural of mourning.
Mournings prop.n. Plural of Mourning.
MOURNING n. an outward sign of grief.
NONCRIMESnoncrimes n. Plural of noncrime.
NONCRIME n. something that is not a crime.
NONRACISMnonracism n. Absence of racism; the quality of not being racist.
NONRACISM n. an absence or racism.
RANSOMINGransoming v. Present participle of ransom.
RANSOM v. to pay a price for redemption from captivity.
RENMINBISrenminbis n. Plural of renminbi.
RENMINBI n. (Chinese) the currency of the People's Republic of China since 1948.
RUMINANTSruminants n. Plural of ruminant.
RUMINANT n. an animal that chews the cud.
SERMONINGsermoning n. (Obsolete) The act of discoursing; instruction; preaching.
sermoning v. Present participle of sermon.
SERMONING n. preaching a sermon.
SIRNAMINGsirnaming v. Present participle of sirname.
SIRNAME v. to give the family name to, also SURNAME.
SURNAMINGsurnaming v. Present participle of surname.
SURNAME v. to give the family name to, also SIRNAME.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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