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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing I, L, 2S, U and Y

AUTOLYSISautolysis n. (Pathology, cytology) The destruction of an organism’s cells by enzymes produced by the organism itself.
autolysis n. (Pathology) The autodigestion of the tissues of an organism.
autolysis n. (Pathology) The autocytolysis of blood cells.
BULLYISMSBULLYISM n. rule by bullies.
CULLYISMSCULLYISM n. the state of being duped.
DUSKISHLYduskishly adv. In a duskish manner.
DUSKISH adv. somewhat dusky.
INSULSITYinsulsity n. (Obsolete) insipidity; stupidity; dullness.
INSULSITY n. stupidity.
ISOBUTYLSisobutyls n. Plural of isobutyl.
ISOBUTYL n. as in methyl isobutyl ketone, a colourless insoluble liquid ketone used as a solvent for organic compounds.
PLAYSUITSplaysuits n. Plural of playsuit.
PLAYSUIT n. a sports outfit for women and children.
PSYLLIUMSpsylliums n. Plural of psyllium.
PSYLLIUM n. (Greek) the seed of the fleawort.
SERIOUSLYseriously adv. (Manner) In a serious or literal manner.
seriously adv. Gravely; deeply; very much.
seriously adv. Used to attempt to introduce a serious point in a less serious conversation.
SINUOUSLYsinuously adv. In a sinuous manner.
SINUOUS adv. characterized by curves, bends or turns, also SINUOSE.
SOURISHLYsourishly adv. In a sourish manner.
SOURISH adv. somewhat sour.
SQUASHILYsquashily adv. In a squashy way.
SQUASHY adv. yielding, soft and moist, also SQUISHY.
SUASIVELYsuasively adv. In a suasive manner.
SUASIVE adv. persuasive.
SUBMISSLYsubmissly adv. (Archaic) In a submissive manner; with submission.
SUBMISS adv. (archaic) submissive, humble.
SUCCINYLSsuccinyls n. Plural of succinyl.
SUCCINYL n. the radical of succinic acid.
SULFINYLSsulfinyls n. Plural of sulfinyl.
SULFINYL n. the bivalent chemical group, SO, also SULPHINYL.
UNFUSSILYunfussily adv. In an unfussy way; without fuss.
UNFUSSY adv. not fussy.
UNSTYLISHunstylish adj. Not stylish; unfashionable.
UNSTYLISH adj. not stylish.
VISCOUSLYviscously adv. In a viscous manner.
VISCOUS adv. adhesive or sticky, and having a ropy or glutinous consistency, also VISCOSE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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