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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing I, L, R, 2T and Y

ALTIMETRYaltimetry n. The science of measuring altitude.
ALTIMETRY n. the art of measuring altitudes, or heights.
BRITTLELYbrittlely adv. In a brittle way.
BRITTLE adv. frail.
BRUTALITYbrutality n. The state of being brutal.
brutality n. A cruel or savage act.
brutality n. The use of excessive physical force, often in the form of violence.
EXTRALITYextrality n. Extraterritoriality.
EXTRALITY n. the privilege of being outside the jurisdiction of the country one is in.
FERTILITYfertility n. (Uncountable) The condition, or the degree, of being fertile.
fertility n. (Countable) The birthrate of a population; the number of live births per 1000 people per year.
fertility n. The average number of births per woman within a population.
MORTALITYmortality n. The state or quality of being mortal.
mortality n. The number of deaths; and, usually and especially, the number of deaths per time unit (usually per year)…
mortality n. (Figuratively) Death.
RUTTISHLYruttishly adv. In a ruttish manner.
RUTTISH adv. (Shakespeare) lustful.
STERILITYsterility n. The state or quality of being sterile.
STERILITY n. the quality of being sterile.
TARTISHLYTARTISH adv. somewhat tart.
THIRSTILYthirstily adv. In a thirsty manner.
THIRSTY adv. feeling a need to drink, also THRISTY.
THRIFTILYthriftily adv. In a thrifty manner; economically.
THRIFTY adv. frugal.
THROATILYthroatily adv. In a throaty manner.
THROATY adv. of a voice, vocal sound, etc., produced or modified in the throat, guttural.
TILTYARDStiltyards n. Plural of tiltyard.
tilt-yards n. Plural of tilt-yard.
TILTYARD n. an area for jousting.
TITULARLYtitularly adv. In a titular way.
TITULAR adv. relating to title.
TORTILITYtortility n. The quality or state of being tortile, twisted, or wreathed.
TORTILITY n. the state of being tortile, twisted, or wreathed.
TRAITORLYtraitorly adj. Like a traitor; traitorous.
traitorly adv. (Obsolete) Traitorously.
TRAITORLY adj. (Shakespeare) traitorous.
TRIDACTYLtridactyl adj. (Anatomy) Having three digits on a limb.
tridactyl adj. (Biology) Composed of three movable parts attached to a common base.
tridactyl n. Any animal having three digits on a limb.
TRIMETHYLtrimethyl n. (Organic chemistry, in combination) Three methyl groups in a molecule.
TRIMETHYL adj. a prefix or combining form (also used adjectively) indicating the presence of three methyl groups.
ULTRATINYULTRATINY adj. very very tiny.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 36 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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