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There are 19 nine-letter words containing I, L, O, Q, S and U

BELIQUORSBELIQUOR v. to soak with liquor.
BLOQUISTEBloquiste n. (Canadian politics) A member of the Bloc Québécois.
Bloquiste adj. (Canadian politics) Pertaining to the Bloc Québécois.
BLOQUISTE n. (Canadian) a supporter of autonomy for Quebec.
COQUILLAScoquillas n. Plural of coquilla.
COQUILLA n. (Spanish) the nut of the piassava palm, whose mottled dark brown endosperm is used by button-makers and turners.
COQUILLEScoquilles n. Plural of coquille.
Coquilles n. Plural of Coquille.
COQUILLE n. (French) a scallop or other seafood served in a scallop shell.
FILIOQUESFILIOQUE n. (Latin) a doctrine that the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Son.
LIQUORISHliquorish adj. (Obsolete) Lecherous.
LIQUORISH adj. (obsolete) dainty, tempting to the taste; lecherous, also LICKERISH.
OBLIQUESTobliquest adj. Superlative form of oblique: most oblique.
OBLIQUE adj. slanting.
OBLOQUIESobloquies n. Plural of obloquy.
OBLOQUY n. abusive language.
OBSEQUIALobsequial adj. Relating to an obsequy or funeral rite.
OBSEQUIAL adj. (Shakespeare) relating to obsequies, funerals.
ODALIQUESodaliques n. Plural of odalique.
ODALIQUE n. (French) a female slave; a concubine in a harem, also ODALISK, ODALISQUE.
ODALISQUEodalisque n. (Historical) A female slave in a harem, especially one in the Ottoman seraglio.
odalisque n. A desirable or sexually attractive woman.
ODALISQUE n. (French) a female slave; a concubine in a harem, also ODALIQUE, ODALISK.
PIQUILLOSpiquillos n. Plural of piquillo.
PIQUILLO n. (Spanish) a variety of sweet red pepper.
QUINOLINSquinolins n. Plural of quinolin.
QUINOLIN n. a pungent, colourless, oily liquid, first obtained from quinine and used e.g. as a food preservative, also QUINOLINE.
SILIQUOSEsiliquose adj. (Botany) Bearing siliques.
siliquose adj. (Botany) Relating to, or resembling, siliques.
SILIQUOSE adj. relating to a siliqua, a type of dry fruit consisting of a long pod of two carpels divided by a partition, also SILIQUOUS.
SILIQUOUSsiliquous adj. Siliquose.
SILIQUOUS adj. relating to a siliqua, a type of dry fruit consisting of a long pod of two carpels divided by a partition, also SILIQUOSE.
SOLILOQUYsoliloquy n. (Drama) The act of a character speaking to themselves so as to reveal their thoughts to the audience.
soliloquy n. (Authorship) A speech or written discourse in this form.
soliloquy v. (Very rare) To issue a soliloquy.
SOLIQUIDSSOLIQUID n. a fluid colloidal system.
SQUILLIONsquillion n. (Slang, used hyperbolically) A very large, unspecified number (of).
SQUILLION n. an indefinitely large number.
TOQUILLAStoquillas n. Plural of toquilla.
TOQUILLA n. (Spanish) a South American palmlike tree; a fibre obtained from its leaves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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