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There are 20 nine-letter words containing I, L, O, P and 2T

AUTOPILOTautopilot n. (Aviation, nautical) A mechanical, electrical, or hydraulic system used to guide a vehicle without assistance…
autopilot n. (By extension, figuratively) A state of mind where one no longer thinks about doing one’s actions, but…
autopilot v. (Intransitive, of a vehicle) To pilot itself; to drive or travel automatically.
EPISTOLETepistolet n. A little epistle; a short letter.
EPISTOLET n. a little epistle.
LITHOTYPElithotype n. An etched stone surface for printing, having the design in relief.
lithotype n. A print made from such a surface.
lithotype n. A machine, with a keyboard like that of a typewriter, for making a lithographic transfer sheet. It produces…
MULTIPORTmultiport adj. Having multiple ports.
multiport n. A device having multiple ports.
MULTIPORT adj. involving more than one port.
NILPOTENTnilpotent adj. (Algebra, ring theory, of an element x of a semigroup or ring) Such that, for some positive integer…
nilpotent n. (Algebra) A nilpotent element.
NILPOTENT n. a quantity which equals zero when multiplied by itself.
PECTOLITEpectolite n. (Mineralogy) a gray-white mineral inosilicate hydroxide of calcium and sodium that crystallizes in the…
PECTOLITE n. a hydrous silicate of lime and soda, occurring in radiated or fibrous crystalline masses.
PELTATIONPELTATION n. the state of being peltate.
PETIOLATEpetiolate adj. Petiolated (connected to a stem by means of a petiole).
petiolate n. Such a leaf.
PETIOLATE adj. having a petiole, a leafstalk, also PETIOLATED, PETIOLED.
PHYTOLITHphytolith n. A small particle of silica or mineral that occurs in many plants.
PHYTOLITH n. a microscopic particle in plants.
PISTOLETSpistolets n. Plural of pistolet.
PISTOLET n. (historical) a small pistol.
PLOTTIESTplottiest adj. Superlative form of plotty: most plotty.
PLOTTY adj. full of intrigue, as a novel.
PLOTTINGSplottings n. Plural of plotting.
PLOTTING n. the act of plotting.
PORTATILEportatile adj. (Obsolete) portable.
PORTATILE adj. portable.
PORTLIESTportliest adj. Superlative form of portly: most portly.
PORTLY adj. corpulent, stout.
POSTTRIALposttrial adj. (Law) Following the end of a trial.
POSTTRIAL adj. taking place after a trial.
POTENTIALpotential n. Currently unrealized ability (with the most common adposition being to).
potential n. (Physics) The gravitational potential: the radial (irrotational, static) component of a gravitational…
potential n. (Physics) The work (energy) required to move a reference particle from a reference location to a specified…
SPOTLIGHTspotlight n. A bright, directional light or lamp, especially one used to illuminate the focus or center of attention on a stage.
spotlight n. (By extension) The circle of light shed by a spotlight.
spotlight n. (Figurative) The center of attention; the highlight or most important part.
STOPLIGHTstoplight n. (US) A traffic control signal, traditionally consisting of three lights, colored green, yellow/amber…
stoplight n. A light on the rear of a vehicle that is activated when braking; a brake light.
stop␣light n. Alternative form of stoplight.
TELEPOINTtelepoint n. A base station to which users of early mobile phones could connect in order to place (but not receive) calls.
TELEPOINT n. a device located in a public place that activates cordless phones.
TOPFLIGHTtopflight adj. Best, A-one, superior.
top-flight adj. Of the highest rank, or peak of excellence.
top-flight adj. In the highest division.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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