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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing I, L, 2N, R and S

FRANKLINSfranklins n. Plural of franklin.
Franklins prop.n. Plural of Franklin.
Franklins n. Plural of Franklin.
INCLINERSincliners n. Plural of incliner.
INCLINER n. something or someone that inclines.
INLANDERSinlanders n. Plural of inlander.
INLANDER n. one living inland.
INNERSOLEinnersole n. An insole; a cushioning layer lining the inside bottom of a shoe or boot.
INNERSOLE n. an insole.
INTERNALSinternals n. The internal workings of a mechanism or system that are normally hidden from view.
INTERNAL n. an inner attribute.
KNURLINGSknurlings n. Plural of knurling.
KNURLING n. a moulding of ornamental knobs.
LEARNINGSlearnings n. (Proscribed) plural of learning.
LEARNING n. acquired knowledge.
LUNARIANSLunarians n. Plural of Lunarian.
LUNARIAN n. (archaic) an inhabitant of the moon; a student of the moon.
NONRIVALSnonrivals n. Plural of nonrival.
NONRIVAL n. one who is not a rival.
NONSERIALnonserial adj. Not serial.
nonserial n. A publication that is not a serial.
NONSERIAL n. something that is not a serial.
NOURSLINGnoursling v. Present participle of noursle.
NOURSLE v. (Spenser) to foster, also NOUSELL, NOUSLE, NURSLE.
NURSELINGnurseling n. Alternative spelling of nursling.
NURSELING n. an infant that is being suckled, also NURSLING.
NURSLINGSnurslings n. Plural of nursling.
NURSLING n. an infant that is being suckled, also NURSELING.
ROSANILINROSANILIN n. a reddish-brown derivative of anilin used as a dye.
SNARFLINGsnarfling v. Present participle of snarfle.
SNARFLE v. to snarl.
SNARLINGSsnarlings n. Plural of snarling.
SNARLING n. the act of snarling.
SNIRTLINGsnirtling v. Present participle of snirtle.
SNIRTLE v. (Scots) to snicker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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