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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing I, L, 2M, R and T

IMMOLATORimmolator n. One who offers in sacrifice.
immolator n. (Historical) One of a sect of Russian fanatics who practised self-mutilation and sacrifice.
IMMOLATOR n. one who offers in sacrifice; specifically, one of a sect of Russian fanatics who practice self-mutilation and sacrifice.
IMMORTALSimmortals n. Plural of immortal.
IMMORTAL n. one who is not subject to death.
MILOMETERmilometer n. An odometer graduated in miles.
MILOMETER n. an instrument that records the number of miles that a vehicle, etc. has travelled, also MILEOMETER.
MULTIFORMmultiform adj. Having more than one shape or appearance.
multiform n. An organism, folktale, etc. that appears in more than one form.
MULTIFORM n. a multiform object; something exhibiting many and various forms.
MULTIGERMmultigerm adj. Comprising more than one germ (reproductive part of a cereal plant).
multigerm n. (Mathematics) A set of germs of a function that have distinct sources and a common target.
MULTIGERM adj. producing or being a fruit cluster capable of giving rise to several plants.
MULTIROOMmultiroom adj. Spanning, or comprising, more than one room.
MULTIROOM adj. having many rooms.
TRILEMMAStrilemmas n. Plural of trilemma.
TRILEMMA n. a dilemma-like position offering three choices.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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