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There are 20 nine-letter words containing I, 2L, R, S and U

BULLARIESbullaries n. Plural of bullary.
BULLARY n. a collection of papal bulls.
BULLRINGSbullrings n. Plural of bullring.
bull␣rings n. Plural of bull ring.
BULLRING n. a bullfight arena.
CURSILLOSCURSILLO n. (tradename) a type of spiritual retreat.
FULLERIESfulleries n. Plural of fullery.
FULLERY n. a place for fulling cloth.
GUERILLASguerillas n. Plural of guerilla.
GUERILLA n. a member of an irregular force engaging in warfare or in the harassment of an army, also GUERRILLA.
GULLERIESgulleries n. Plural of gullery.
GULLERY n. a deception.
INSULARLYinsularly adv. In an insular manner.
INSULAR adv. like an island.
LEISURELYleisurely adj. Characterized by leisure; taking plenty of time; unhurried.
leisurely adv. In a leisurely manner.
LEISURELY adj. relaxed.
LUNISOLARlunisolar adj. (Of a calendar) Based on both the lunar month and the solar year.
lunisolar adj. Pertaining to or caused by both the moon and the sun.
LUNISOLAR adj. relating jointly to the moon and sun.
ORGILLOUSorgillous adj. (Obsolete) proud; prideful, haughty, arrogant.
ORGILLOUS adj. (Shakespeare) proud, also ORGULOUS.
PLURALISEpluralise v. Alternative form of pluralize.
PLURALISE v. to make plural.
PLURALISMpluralism n. The quality or state of being plural, or in the plural number.
pluralism n. (Ecclesiastical) The state of a pluralist; the holding of more than one ecclesiastical living at a time.
pluralism n. (Sociology) A social system that permits smaller groups within a society to maintain their individual…
PLURALISTpluralist n. A person who holds multiple offices, especially a clergyman who holds more than one ecclesiastical benefice.
pluralist n. An advocate of pluralism (in all senses).
pluralist adj. Of, or related to pluralism.
REILLUMESreillumes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reillume.
REILLUME v. to light again.
SPIRILLUMspirillum n. Any of various aerobic bacteria of the genus Spirillum, having an elongated spiral form and bearing…
spirillum n. Any of various other spiral-shaped microorganisms.
Spirillum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Spirillaceae.
SQUALLIERsquallier adj. Comparative form of squally: more squally.
SQUALLY adj. full of squalls.
SURVEILLEsurveille v. Alternative form of surveil.
SURVEILLE v. to observe, keep under surveillance, also SURVEIL.
TAILLEURStailleurs n. Plural of tailleur.
TAILLEUR n. (French) a woman's tailored suit.
TELLURISEtellurise v. Alternative spelling of tellurize.
TELLURISE v. to combine with tellurium, a rare nonmetallic element, also TELLURIZE.
TRILLIUMStrilliums n. Plural of trillium.
TRILLIUM n. a three-leaved plant of the lily family.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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