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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing I, 2L, M, R and T

GRISTMILLgristmill n. A mill that grinds grain, especially grain brought by a farmer to be exchanged for the flour (less a percentage).
grist␣mill n. Alternative spelling of gristmill.
GRISTMILL n. a mill for grinding grain; esp. grists, or portions of grain brought by different customers.
MARITALLYmaritally adv. Concerning marriage or a connubial relationship.
maritally adv. (Obsolete) Pertaining to a husband.
MARITAL adv. relating to marriage.
MARTIALLYmartially adv. In a martial manner.
MARTIAL adv. pertaining to war.
MILLERITEmillerite n. (Geology) A nickel sulfide mineral, NiS, that occurs as hairlike tufts.
Millerite n. (Christianity) One who followed the calculations of William Miller or his followers that the world would…
Millerite n. A resident of any community known as Miller; often specifically a resident of Miller Beach, in Gary, Indiana.
MILLOCRATmillocrat n. A member of the millocracy.
MILLOCRAT n. a member of the millocracy, the body of mill-owners regarded as a dominant or ruling class.
MITRAILLEmitraille n. (Military, historical) shot or bits of iron used sometimes in loading cannon.
MITRAILLE n. (French) shot or bits of iron used sometimes in loading cannon.
MULTIROLEmultirole adj. Pertaining to, or serving in, many roles.
MULTIROLE adj. having a number of roles.
RAMTILLASRAMTILLA n. (Bengali) a plant of the Indian subcontinent, cultivated for the oil pressed from the seeds, also RAMTIL.
STILLROOMstillroom n. A room containing a still (for distillation).
stillroom n. A pantry adjoining a kitchen where drinks etc were stored or prepared.
STILLROOM n. a room, in a large house, where liquors, preserves, etc. are kept, and where tea, etc. is prepared for the table.
TAMARILLOtamarillo n. A small tree or shrub (Solanum betaceum syn. Cyphomandra betacea) which bears edible fruits.
tamarillo n. A fruit of that tree.
TAMARILLO n. the tree tomato.
TELLURIUMtellurium n. (Uncountable) The chemical element with atomic number 52. Symbol: Te. A rare, brittle, mildly toxic…
tellurium n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
tellurium n. A variant spelling of tellurion.
TILLERMANtillerman n. (US) A person who steers the rear wheels of a fire truck (a tiller truck) or controls its ladder.
TILLERMAN n. one who operates a tiller.
TILLERMENtillermen n. Plural of tillerman.
TILLERMAN n. one who operates a tiller.
TREADMILLtreadmill n. A piece of indoor sporting equipment used to allow for the motions of running or walking while staying in one place.
treadmill n. (Historical) A mill worked by persons treading upon steps on the periphery of a wide wheel having a…
treadmill n. A mill worked by horses, dogs, etc., treading an endless belt.
TRILLIUMStrilliums n. Plural of trillium.
TRILLIUM n. a three-leaved plant of the lily family.
WATERMILLwatermill n. A mill powered by water.
WATERMILL n. a mill driven by water.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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