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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing I, K, L, O, S and W

CLOCKWISEclockwise adv. In a curve or twist corresponding to the movement of the hands of a clock.
clockwise adj. Moving clockwise; having rotary motion in the manner of a clock.
CLOCKWISE adv. moving in the direction of a clock's hands.
DOWNLINKSdownlinks n. Plural of downlink.
downlinks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of downlink.
DOWNLINK n. a communication channel from a satellite.
GLOWSTICKglowstick n. Alternative spelling of glow stick.
glow␣stick n. A single-use translucent plastic tube containing isolated substances which when combined are capable…
GLOWSTICK n. a plastic tube containing a luminescent material, waved or held aloft at gigs, raves etc.
KILOWATTSkilowatts n. Plural of kilowatt.
KILOWATT n. a unit of power.
LIFEWORKSlifeworks n. Plural of lifework.
LIFEWORK n. the major work of one's lifetime.
LINKWORKSlinkworks n. Plural of linkwork.
LINKWORK n. a fabric consisting of links made of metal or other material fastened together.
MILKWOODSmilkwoods n. Plural of milkwood.
MILKWOOD n. any of various trees associated with latex.
MILKWORTSmilkworts n. Plural of milkwort.
MILKWORT n. a plant of genus Polygala, supposed by some to promote the production of milk in women.
MILLWORKSmillworks n. The machinery and mechanisms of a mill.
MILLWORK n. the shafting, gearing, and other driving machinery of mills.
PILEWORKSpileworks n. Plural of pilework.
PILEWORK n. foundations made of piles.
SILKWORMSsilkworms n. Plural of silkworm.
SILKWORM n. the larva of the Chinese moth Bombyx mori, that feeds on the leaves of the mulberry tree, widely cultivated as a source of silk.
SNOWBLINKsnowblink n. Synonym of iceblink.
SNOWBLINK n. a glare in the sky caused by light reflected off snow.
SNOWFLICKsnowflick n. (Obsolete) A bird, the snow bunting.
SNOWFLICK n. the snow bunting, also SNOWFLECK.
SWORDLIKEswordlike adj. Resembling a sword.
SWORDLIKE adj. like a sword.
WOLFSKINSwolfskins n. Plural of wolfskin.
WOLFSKIN n. the pelt of a wolf.
WOOLSKINSwoolskins n. Plural of woolskin.
WOOLSKIN n. a sheepskin with the wool still on it.
WORKGIRLSworkgirls n. Plural of workgirl.
WORKGIRL n. a young woman employed in manual labour.
WRISTLOCKwristlock n. (Combat sport) A wrestling hold in which the opponent is immobilized by having their wrist tightly held.
WRISTLOCK n. a wrestling hold involving a lock on the wrist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 96 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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