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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2I, N, P and 2R

IMPRINTERimprinter n. A device that imprints.
imprinter n. A person who does imprinting with such a device.
imprinter n. An organism that imprints, or forms an attachment.
INSPIRERSinspirers n. Plural of inspirer.
INSPIRER n. one that inspires.
IRRUPTINGirrupting v. Present participle of irrupt.
IRRUPT v. to enter forcibly or violently.
IRRUPTIONirruption n. The action of irrupting or breaking into; a violent entry or invasion; an inbreaking; an intrusion.
irruption n. (Ecology) An abrupt increase of an animal population.
irruption n. (By extension) An abrupt increase in the size of a movement or organization.
PREFIRINGprefiring v. Present participle of prefire.
pre-firing v. Present participle of pre-fire.
PREFIRE v. to fire beforehand.
PREHIRINGprehiring adj. Before hiring an employee.
PREHIRING adj. before hiring.
PREWIRINGprewiring v. Present participle of prewire.
PREWIRE v. to wire beforehand.
REINSPIREreinspire v. To inspire again.
REINSPIRE v. to inspire anew.
REPAIRINGrepairing v. Present participle of repair.
repairing n. The act by which something is repaired; a mending.
REPAIR v. to restore to good condition.
REPRICINGrepricing v. Present participle of reprice.
repricing n. The changing of a price.
REPRICE v. to price again.
REPRIMINGrepriming v. Present participle of reprime.
repriming n. The act of priming something again.
REPRIME v. to prime again.
REPRISINGreprising v. Present participle of reprise.
REPRISE v. to take back by force, also REPRIZE.
REPRIVINGrepriving v. Present participle of reprive.
REPRIVE v. (Spenser) to reprieve, also REPREEVE, REPRYVE.
REPRIZINGreprizing v. Present participle of reprize.
REPRIZE v. (Spenser) to reprise.
RESPIRINGrespiring v. Present participle of respire.
respiring n. An act of respiration.
RESPIRE v. to breathe.
RIPARIANSriparians n. Plural of riparian.
RIPARIAN n. an owner of land bordering a river.
SPRINGIERspringier adj. Comparative form of springy: more springy.
SPRINGY adj. resilient.
TURNIPIERTURNIPY adj. like a turnip.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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