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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2I, N, O and 2R

CRITERIONcriterion n. A standard or test by which individual things or people may be compared and judged.
CRITERION n. a standard of judgement.
GRIDIRONSgridirons n. Plural of gridiron.
GRIDIRON v. to mark with parallel lines or bars.
INFERIORSinferiors n. Plural of inferior.
INFERIOR n. one of lesser rank.
INHERITORinheritor n. Someone who inherits something; an heir.
inheritor n. (Computing, programming) A class, etc. that derives from another code element through inheritance.
INHERITOR n. one who inherits.
INTERIORSinteriors n. Plural of interior.
INTERIOR n. the inside.
IRRISIONSirrisions n. Plural of irrision.
IRRISION n. the act of laughing at another.
IRRUPTIONirruption n. The action of irrupting or breaking into; a violent entry or invasion; an inbreaking; an intrusion.
irruption n. (Ecology) An abrupt increase of an animal population.
irruption n. (By extension) An abrupt increase in the size of a movement or organization.
MIRRORINGmirroring v. Present participle of mirror.
mirroring n. A reflection or inversion.
MIRRORING n. the act of reflecting with a mirror.
MORRISINGmorrising v. Present participle of morris.
MORRIS v. to dance the morris.
ORDINAIREordinaire n. Wine for ordinary use.
ordinaire n. A soldier’s mess.
ordinaire n. A person of common rank.
ORIGINARYoriginary adj. (Rare) Pertaining to or being the origin of something.
originary adj. (Rare) primitive, original.
originary adj. (Obsolete, often preceding ’of’) Having its origin (in); originating (from).
RHINOCERIrhinoceri n. (Nonstandard or humorous) plural of rhinoceros.
RHINOCEROS n. a large heavy ungulate mammal of the perissodactyl family Rhinocerotidae, also RHINOCEROT, RHINOCEROTE.
RIBBONIERRIBBONY adj. adorned with ribbons.
RITONAVIRritonavir n. (Pharmacology) An antiretroviral drug C37H48N6O5S2 of the protease inhibitor class that is administered…
RITONAVIR n. a drug used to treat HIV.
RIZZORINGRIZZOR v. (Scots) to dry in the sun, also RIZZAR, RIZZER.
TRICERIONtricerion n. (Christianity, in the Greek Orthodox church) A candlestick with three lights, signifying the trinity.
TRICERION n. a three-branched candlestick.
WORRITINGworriting v. Present participle of worrit.
worriting n. (Dialect) A worrying.
WORRIT v. to worry, also WHERRIT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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