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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2I, M, O and 2T

ATOMICITYatomicity n. (Uncountable) The quality or state of being atomic.
atomicity n. (Chemistry) The number of atoms in a molecule.
atomicity n. (Computing) The state of a system (often a database system) in which either all stages complete or none complete.
ATOMISTICatomistic adj. Of or pertaining to atoms or to atomism.
atomistic adj. Divided into separate elements; not holistic.
atomistic adj. (Economics) Of a market: divided such that no single actor can noticeably affect market-wide values…
DIATOMISTdiatomist n. A phycologist who studies diatoms.
DIATOMIST n. a person who studies diatoms.
DIATOMITEdiatomite n. (Geology) A fine, powdery earth formed from the skeletons of diatoms.
DIATOMITE n. a siliceous sedimentary rock formed from the accumulations of diatoms or other nanoplankton.
EMOTIVITYemotivity n. The condition of being emotive.
EMOTIVITY n. emotiveness.
EPITOMISTepitomist n. One who makes an epitome; one who abridges; an epitomizer.
EPITOMIST n. one who makes an epitome, also EPITOMIZER.
IMITATIONimitation n. The act of imitating.
imitation n. (Attributive) A copy or simulation; something that is not the real thing.
IMITATION n. the act of imitating, a copy.
IMITATORSimitators n. Plural of imitator.
IMITATOR n. one that imitates.
INTROMITSintromits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of intromit.
INTROMIT v. to introduce or admit.
LEITMOTIFleitmotif n. (Music) A melodic theme associated with a particular character, place, thing or idea in an opera.
leitmotif n. (By extension) A recurring theme.
LEITMOTIF n. (German) a leading motif, a recurring theme in a novel, musical signature for something, also LEITMOTIV.
LEITMOTIVleitmotiv n. Alternative form of leitmotif.
LEITMOTIV n. (German) a leading motif, a recurring theme in a novel, musical signature for something, also LEITMOTIF.
MANICOTTImanicotti n. Wide tubes of pasta filled with a savoury stuffing and baked in the oven.
MANICOTTI n. (Italian) tubular pasta shells stuffed with ricotta or a meat mixture.
MITIGATORmitigator n. Someone or something that mitigates.
MITIGATOR n. one who mitigates.
MOTIONISTmotionist n. One who proposes a motion.
MOTIONIST n. (Milton) a person who is good at making suggestions or recommendations.
OPTIMISTSoptimists n. Plural of optimist.
Optimists n. Plural of Optimist.
OPTIMIST n. one who exhibits optimism.
TIMARIOTSTimariots n. Plural of Timariot.
TIMARIOT n. (historical) a Turkish feudal militiaman.
TIMOTHIEStimothies n. Plural of timothy.
TIMOTHY n. a European grass.
TRIATOMICtriatomic adj. (Chemistry, of a molecule etc.) Consisting of three atoms.
TRIATOMIC adj. having three atoms.
TUTIORISMtutiorism n. Rigorism.
TUTIORISM n. the doctrine that one should take the safer moral course.
VOMITIESTVOMITY adj. resembling or smelling of vomit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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