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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2I, L, M, S and V

DEVILISMSdevilisms n. Plural of devilism.
DEVILISM n. the cult of a devil.
DILUVIUMSdiluviums n. Plural of diluvium.
DILUVIUM n. (Latin) a deposit of superficial loam, sand, gravel, stones, etc. caused by former action of flowing waters, or the melting of glacial ice, also DILUVION.
ILLUVIUMSilluviums n. Plural of illuvium.
ILLUVIUM n. material removed from the soil layer by rainwater and deposited in a lower layer.
IMPLOSIVEimplosive adj. Formed by implosion.
implosive n. (Phonetics) An implosive sound; an implodent.
IMPLOSIVE adj. of or relating to implosion.
IMPULSIVEimpulsive adj. Having the power of driving or impelling; giving an impulse; moving; impellent.
impulsive adj. Actuated by impulse or by transient feelings; inclined to make rapid decisions without due consideration.
impulsive adj. (Mechanics) Acting momentarily, or by impulse; not continuous – said of forces.
LACTIVISMlactivism n. The advocacy of breastfeeding, and especially of the right to nurse children in public.
LACTIVISM n. strong advocacy of breastfeeding as opposed to bottle-feeding.
LIXIVIUMSlixiviums n. Plural of lixivium.
LIXIVIUM n. (Latin) a solution of alkaline salts extracted from wood ashes; hence, any solution obtained by lixiviation.
MALVOISIEmalvoisie n. Synonym of malmsey (“wine”).
MALVOISIE n. (French) a strong sweet wine, also MALMSEY, MALVESIE.
MISLIVINGmisliving v. Present participle of mislive.
misliving n. (Archaic) Sinful living.
MISLIVE v. to live a bad life.
SERVILISMservilism n. Servile behaviour.
SERVILISM n. system of slavery or serfdom.
VICESIMALvicesimal adj. Synonym of vigesimal.
VICESIMAL adj. based on the number twenty, also VICENARY, VIGESIMAL.
VIGESIMALvigesimal adj. Occurring in intervals of twenty.
vigesimal adj. (Arithmetic) To the base twenty.
vigesimal n. A twentieth part.
VIRILISMSvirilisms n. Plural of virilism.
VIRILISM n. the development of male sex characteristics in a female.
VITALISMSvitalisms n. Plural of vitalism.
VITALISM n. the philosophical doctrine that life processes are not entirely explicable, or bound, by scientific laws.
VOLTINISMvoltinism n. (Biology) The number of broods or generations of an organism in one year.
VOLTINISM n. the number of broods typically produced per year by a population of a particular insect species.
VULPINISMvulpinism n. The quality of being cunning like the fox; artfulness.
VULPINISM n. foxlike cunning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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