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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing 3I, N, O and R

FIBRINOIDfibrinoid adj. Resembling fibrin.
fibrinoid n. An acellular material similar to fibrin.
FIBRINOID adj. of or like fibrin.
INHIBITORinhibitor n. One who or that which inhibits.
inhibitor n. (Chemistry) Any substance capable of stopping or slowing a specific chemical reaction.
inhibitor n. (Biology) Any substance capable of stopping or slowing a specific biological process.
INITIATORinitiator n. One who initiates.
initiator n. (Chemistry) A substance that initiates a chain reaction or polymerization.
initiator n. (Military) A component of a nuclear weapon that produces a burst of neutrons to trigger a fission chain reaction.
IRISATIONirisation n. (Meteorology) A colorful optical phenomenon seen in iridescent clouds and on the borders of lenticular…
IRISATION n. iridescence.
IRONISINGironising v. Present participle of ironise.
IRONISE v. to satirize with irony, also IRONIZE.
IRONIZINGironizing v. Present participle of ironize.
IRONIZE v. to satirize with irony, also IRONISE.
IRRISIONSirrisions n. Plural of irrision.
IRRISION n. the act of laughing at another.
MICROMINImicromini n. A very short miniskirt.
MICROMINI n. something extremely small.
RHIPIDIONrhipidion n. (Christianity) In the Greek Church, the eucharistic fan or flabellum.
RHIPIDION n. (Greek) in the Greek Orthodox church, the eucharistical fan or flabellum.
SIGNORINISIGNORINO n. (Italian) a young man, young gentleman.
VIBRIONICvibrionic adj. Relating to vibrions.
VIBRIONIC adj. of or like a vibrio, a genus of motile bacteria.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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