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There are 14 eight-letter words containing I, O, P, 2S and Y

COPYISMScopyisms n. Plural of copyism.
COPYISM n. plagiaristic copying.
COPYISTScopyists n. Plural of copyist.
COPYIST n. one who makes copies.
GOSSIPRYgossipry n. Spiritual relationship or affinity; gossiprede; special intimacy.
gossipry n. Idle talk; gossip.
GOSSIPRY n. the practice of gossiping.
HYPNOSIShypnosis n. A trancelike state, artificially induced, in which a person has a heightened suggestibility, and in…
hypnosis n. Any of various sleep-like conditions.
hypnosis n. The art or skill of hypnotism.
ISOSPORYisospory n. The quality of being isosporous.
ISOSPORY n. the condition of producing sexless spores.
ISOTYPESisotypes n. Plural of isotype.
ISOTYPE n. in taxonomy, a duplicate of the holotype, a specimen made from the same collection as the holotype.
KYPHOSISkyphosis n. (Anatomy) The normal convex curvature of the spine in the thoracic and sacral regions.
kyphosis n. (Pathology) An abnormal convex curvature of the spine in the cervical or lumbar regions of the spine.
KYPHOSIS n. inward curvature of the spine.
PHYTOSISphytosis n. (Pathology, dated) dermatophytosis.
PHYTOSIS n. a disease caused by vegetable parasites.
POSSIBLYpossibly adv. (Modifying a clause or predicate) Perhaps; indicates that the proposition may be true (is not certainly…
possibly adv. (Modifying a verb) In the realm of possibility; indicates that the action may successfully be performed…
POSSIBLY adj. capable of happening or proving true.
PYCNOSISpycnosis n. Alternative form of pyknosis.
PYCNOSIS n. a shrinking and thickening of a cell nucleus, also PYKNOSIS.
PYKNOSISpyknosis n. (Biology) Shrinkage and condensing, such as that of a dying cell or the appearance of a cell’s nucleus.
PYKNOSIS n. a shrinking and thickening of a cell nucleus, also PYCNOSIS.
SYMPOSIAsymposia n. Plural of symposium.
SYMPOSIUM n. (Greek) a conference.
SYNOPSISsynopsis n. (Authorship) A brief summary of the major points of a written work, either as prose or as a table; an…
synopsis n. A reference work containing brief articles that taken together give an overview of an entire field.
synopsis n. (Orthodoxy) A prayer book for use by the laity of the church.
YPSILONSypsilons n. Plural of ypsilon.
YPSILON n. (Greek) the twentieth letter of the Greek alphabet, also UPSILON.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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