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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing I, 2O, P and 2S

APODOSISapodosis n. (Logic, grammar) The consequential clause in a conditional sentence.
APODOSIS n. (Greek) the main clause of a conditional sentence.
ISOSPORYisospory n. The quality of being isosporous.
ISOSPORY n. the condition of producing sexless spores.
ISOTOPESisotopes n. Plural of isotope.
ISOTOPE n. one of two more atoms with the same atomic number that contain different numbers of neutrons.
OPSONINSopsonins n. Plural of opsonin.
OPSONIN n. a substance of blood serum making bacteria vulnerable to phagocytic action.
OPSONISEopsonise v. Alternative spelling of opsonize.
OPSONISE v. to make (bacteria) more susceptible to consumption by phagocytes, also OPSONIZE.
PLOSIONSplosions n. Plural of plosion.
PLOSION n. a release of breath after articulating certain consonants.
POCOSINSpocosins n. Plural of pocosin.
POCOSIN n. (Native American) an upland swamp of the coastal plain of the southeastern US, also POCOSEN, POCOSON.
POISSONSPoissons n. Plural of Poisson.
POISSON n. (French) a fish.
POLOISTSpoloists n. Plural of poloist.
POLOIST n. a polo player.
POSITONSpositons n. Plural of positon.
POSITON n. an electron but with a positive charge, also POSITRON.
PROVISOSprovisos n. Plural of proviso.
PROVISO n. (Latin) a clause in a document containing a condition.
SOOPINGSSOOPING n. the act of sweeping.
SPONSIONsponsion n. The act of becoming surety for another.
sponsion n. An act or engagement on behalf of a state, by an agent not specially authorized for the purpose, or…
SPONSION n. the act of becoming surety for another.
SPOOKISHspookish adj. (Informal) Frightening or unnerving in the manner of something eerie or supernatural; spooky.
spookish adj. (Informal, often of a horse or other animal) Easily startled, frightened, or unnerved.
SPOOKISH adj. spooky.
SPOONIESspoonies n. Plural of spoonie.
spoonies n. Plural of spoony.
SPOONY n. one who is foolishly fooled, also SPOONEY.
TOPSOILStopsoils n. Plural of topsoil.
TOPSOIL v. to remove the surface layer of soil from.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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