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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing I, N, 2R, S and U

FURRINGSfurrings n. Plural of furring.
FURRING n. wooden strips attached to joists, also FIRRING.
INJURERSinjurers n. Plural of injurer.
INJURER n. one who injures.
INSURERSinsurers n. Plural of insurer.
INSURER n. one who insures, also ENSURER.
MURRAINSmurrains n. Plural of murrain.
MURRAIN n. a disease of cattle, also MURREN, MURRIN, MURRION.
MURRINESmurrines n. Plural of murrine.
MURRINE n. a kind of clear glassware used to make ancient Roman vases, also MURRHINE, MYRRHINE.
MURRIONSmurrions n. Plural of murrion.
MURRION n. (Shakespeare) a disease of cattle, also MURRAIN, MURREN, MURRIN.
PURRINGSpurrings n. Plural of purring.
PURRING n. the act of purring.
REINCURSreincurs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reincur.
REINCUR v. to incur again.
REINSUREreinsure v. (Transitive) To insure again (extending or replacing prior insurance).
reinsure v. (Transitive) To place insurance on the contract that insures something (allowing the insurer to offset…
REINSURE v. to insure again.
SCURRINGscurring v. Present participle of scur.
SCUR v. to scour, search; to send skimming, also SKER, SKIRR, SQUIRR.
SLURRINGslurring v. Present participle of slur.
slurring n. A slur mark in music.
SLUR v. to disparage.
SMURRINGsmurring v. Present participle of smur.
SMUR v. (Scots) to drizzle, also SMIR, SMIRR.
SPURRINGspurring v. Present participle of spur.
spurring n. An application of the spurs to a horse.
SPURRING n. the act of spurring.
SURPRINTsurprint n. The printing of text or graphics elements on top of a background that is a different tint of the same color.
surprint v. To print text or graphics elements on top of a background that is a different tint of the same color.
SURPRINT v. to print over printing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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