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There are 18 eight-letter words containing I, N, O, 2R and T

ANTERIORanterior adj. (Anatomy) Nearer the forward end, especially in the front of the body; nearer the head or forepart of an animal.
anterior adj. (Formal) Coming before or earlier in time or development, prior to, preceding.
ANTERIOR adj. in front.
CARROTINcarrotin n. Alternative form of carotin.
CARROTIN n. a plant pigment, also CAROTENE, CAROTIN.
FRONTIERfrontier n. The part of a country which borders or faces another country or unsettled region.
frontier n. The most advanced or recent version of something; leading edge.
frontier n. (Obsolete) An outwork of a fortification.
INTERIORinterior adj. Within any limits, enclosure, or substance; inside; internal; inner.
interior adj. Remote from the limits, frontier, or shore; inland.
interior n. The inside of a building, container, cavern, or other enclosed structure.
INTERROWinterrow adj. Between rows, especially rows of crops.
INTERROW adj. existing between rows.
INTRORSEintrorse adj. (Botany) Facing or turned inwards or towards an axis.
introrse adj. (Botany) Said of anthers turned toward the center of the flower.
INTRORSE adj. turned or facing inward.
INVERTORinvertor n. That which inverts.
invertor n. (Anatomy) Any muscle that turns a body part inwards.
invertor n. (Electricity) A device that converts direct current into alternating current.
NITRATORnitrator n. A reaction vessel in which nitration takes place.
nitrator n. A device for spreading nitrate fertilizer on the soil.
NITRATOR n. one that nitrates.
ORIENTERorienter n. A person or thing that orients.
ORIENTER n. one who helps another to adjust to surroundings.
REORIENTreorient v. (Transitive, intransitive) To orient again; to make or become oriented after dislocation or disorientation.
reorient adj. (Obsolete) Arising again.
REORIENT v. to acquaint oneself again.
RITORNELritornel n. Alternative form of ritornello.
RITORNEL n. a short instrumental passage in a vocal work, also RITORNELL, RITORNELLE, RITORNELLO, RITOURNELLE.
RORTINGSRORTING n. the falsification of accounts.
SNORTIERsnortier adj. Comparative form of snorty: more snorty.
SNORTY adj. inclined to snort; (colloquial) ready to take offence.
THORNIERthornier adj. Comparative form of thorny: more thorny.
THORNY adj. full of thorns.
TRICORNEtricorne n. Alternative spelling of tricorn.
tricorne adv. Alternative spelling of tricorn.
TRICORNE n. a hat with the brim turned up on three sides, also TRICORN.
TRICORNStricorns n. Plural of tricorn.
TRICORN n. a hat with the brim turned up on three sides, also TRICORNE.
URINATORurinator n. A person who urinates.
urinator n. (Obsolete) A diver, especially someone who searches for things underwater.
URINATOR n. one who dives under water in search of something, as for pearls.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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