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There are 15 eight-letter words containing I, N, O, P and 2T

ENTOPTICentoptic adj. (Medicine) Located within the eyeball.
entoptic adj. (Medicine) Of or relating to visual phenomena caused by objects within the eye, or the objects themselves.
ENTOPTIC adj. within the eyeball.
IMPOTENTimpotent adj. Lacking physical strength or vigor; weak.
impotent adj. Lacking in power, as to act effectively; helpless.
impotent adj. Incapable of sexual intercourse, often because of an inability to achieve or sustain an erection, having…
NEPOTISTnepotist n. One who engages in nepotism.
NEPOTIST n. one who indulges in nepotism.
OUTPAINToutpaint v. (Transitive) To paint more or better than; to surpass in painting.
OUTPAINT v. to surpass in painting.
OUTPOINToutpoint v. (Sports) To score more points than (especially, in boxing, to achieve victory by scoring more points…
outpoint v. (Nautical) To sail closer to the wind than (another ship).
outpoint n. The closing portion of an edited sequence of audio or video.
PAINTPOTpaintpot n. A pot for holding paint.
paintpot n. (Dated, television) A lever on a telecine machine that controls the range of colors in an image.
paint-pot n. Alternative form of paintpot.
PETITIONpetition n. A formal, written request made to an official person or organized body, often containing many signatures.
petition n. A compilation of signatures built in order to exert moral authority in support of a specific cause.
petition n. (Law) A formal written request for judicial action.
PLOTTINGplotting v. Present participle of plot.
plotting n. The act of scheming or making plots; machination.
PLOTTING adj. conspiratorial.
POSTNATIpostnati n. Those born after a certain event.
POSTNATI n. (Latin) those born after a specified event.
POTATIONpotation n. (Often in the plural) The act of drinking.
potation n. A drink, especially an alcoholic beverage.
POTATION n. the act of drinking.
PRINTOUTprintout n. Something printed on paper, usually by a printer (machine).
print-out n. Alternative spelling of printout.
print␣out n. Alternative form of printout.
SPITTOONspittoon n. A receptacle for spit.
SPITTOON n. a receptacle for saliva.
SPOTTINGspotting v. Present participle of spot.
spotting n. A spotted pattern.
spotting n. The act of spotting or sighting something.
STINKPOTstinkpot n. An annoying, bad or undesirable person.
stinkpot n. The common musk turtle, a species of turtle from southeastern Canada, Sternotherus odoratus.
stinkpot n. The southern giant petrel, Macronectes giganteus.
TYPTOINGTYPTO v. to work at Greek grammar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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