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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing I, N, 2O, T and Z

ENTOZOICentozoic adj. Relating to an entozoon.
ENTOZOIC adj. having seeds dispersed by animals that swallow them, also ENDOZOIC, ENTOZOAL.
ENZOOTICenzootic n. (Epidemiology) a disease which is consistently prevalent in a population of non-human animals in a limited…
enzootic adj. Like or having to do with an enzootic.
enzootic adj. Of a disease, prevalent in a given population or area.
STOOZINGstoozing v. Present participle of stooze.
stoozing n. (Slang) A form of arbitrage in which money is borrowed at an interest rate of 0% and invested elsewhere…
STOOZING n. the practice of taking advantage of an introductory interest-free period offered by a credit-card company to borrow money for investment elsewhere, esp. in a high-interest account.
ZONATIONzonation n. An arrangement or distribution of things into zones.
ZONATION n. arrangement in zones.
ZOONITESzoonites n. Plural of zoonite.
zoönites n. Plural of zoönite.
ZOONITE n. one of the segments of the body of an articulate animal.
ZOONITICzoonitic adj. Relating to a zoonite.
ZOONITIC adj. like a zoonite, one of the segments of the body of an articulate animal.
ZOONOTICzoonotic adj. Relating to, or having a zoonosis.
zoonotic n. Synonym of zoonosis.
ZOONOTIC adj. of or like zoonosis, a disease of animals such as rabies that can be transmitted to humans.
ZOOTOXINzootoxin n. A toxin produced by an animal.
ZOOTOXIN n. a toxin produced by an animal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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