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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing I, 2N, O, R and U

GRUNIONSgrunions n. Plural of grunion.
GRUNION n. a small Californian sea-fish which spawns on shore.
INGROUNDinground adj. Inside the ground.
INGROUND v. to fix (something) in something as in the ground.
LINURONSLINURON n. a herbicide.
MOURNINGmourning v. Present participle of mourn.
mourning n. The act of expressing or feeling sorrow or regret; lamentation.
mourning n. Feeling or expressing sorrow over someone’s death.
NEURONICneuronic adj. Neuronal.
NEURONIC adj. of or like a neuron, also NEURONAL.
NEUTRINOneutrino n. An elementary particle that is classified as a lepton, and has an extremely small but nonzero mass and…
NEUTRINO n. an uncharged subatomic particle with zero mass when at rest.
NOTTURNInotturni n. Plural of notturno.
NOTTURNO n. (Italian) a musical composition, also NOCTURNE.
PREUNIONpreunion adj. Prior to the existence of a union.
PREUNION n. a union beforehand.
PROUNIONprounion adj. (Politics) In favour of trade unions.
PROUNION adj. favouring labour unions.
REUNIONSreunions n. Plural of reunion.
reünions n. Plural of reünion.
re-unions n. Plural of re-union.
ROUNDINGrounding adj. Round or nearly round; becoming round; roundish.
rounding n. The act by which a numerical value is rounded.
rounding n. The numerical value obtained by this process.
RUNNIONSrunnions n. Plural of runnion.
Runnions prop.n. Plural of Runnion.
RUNNION n. (Shakespeare) a mangy or scabby creature, also RONION, RONYON.
TRUNNIONtrunnion n. One of the short stubby bearings on either side of a cannon; a gudgeon.
trunnion n. A similar rotational bearing comprising a rotating arc or ring sliding in the groove of a stationary…
trunnion n. A shaft, held by a bearing, at each end or side of a rotatable object.
UNICORNSunicorns n. Plural of unicorn.
unicorns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unicorn.
UNICORN n. a mythical horselike creature.
UNIRONEDunironed adj. Not ironed.
UNIRONED adj. not ironed.
UNIRONICunironic adj. Not ironic; free of irony. Sincere or genuine.
UNIRONIC adj. not ironic.
UNPRISONunprison v. (Archaic, transitive) To free from prison.
UNPRISON v. to release from prison.
UNROBINGunrobing v. Present participle of unrobe.
UNROBE v. to take off a robe.
UNROPINGunroping v. Present participle of unrope.
UNROPE v. to loose from a rope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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