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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing I, M, 2R, S and U

MURRAINSmurrains n. Plural of murrain.
MURRAIN n. a disease of cattle, also MURREN, MURRIN, MURRION.
MURRINESmurrines n. Plural of murrine.
MURRINE n. a kind of clear glassware used to make ancient Roman vases, also MURRHINE, MYRRHINE.
MURRIONSmurrions n. Plural of murrion.
MURRION n. (Shakespeare) a disease of cattle, also MURRAIN, MURREN, MURRIN.
PRIMEURSprimeurs n. Plural of primeur.
PRIMEUR n. (French) a new or early thing; specifically in plural, fruit or vegetables grown to be available very early in the season.
ROSARIUMrosarium n. A rose-garden.
ROSARIUM n. (Latin) a rose garden.
RURALISMruralism n. Advocacy of rural life instead of urbanism or city living.
ruralism n. Rural living.
ruralism n. The state or quality of being rustic.
SCRIMURESCRIMURE n. (obsolete) a fencer.
SMURRIERSMURRY adj. (Scots) like smur, a fine drizzly rain.
SMURRINGsmurring v. Present participle of smur.
SMUR v. (Scots) to drizzle, also SMIR, SMIRR.
SQUIRMERsquirmer n. One who, or that which, squirms.
SQUIRMER n. a person who squirms, esp. with embarrassment.
SURMISERsurmiser n. One who surmises.
SURMISER n. one who surmises.
URSIFORMursiform adj. Shaped like a bear.
URSIFORM adj. having the form of a bear.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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