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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing I, M, P, 2R and S

CRIMPERScrimpers n. Plural of crimper.
CRIMPER n. a person or device that crimps; (slang) a hairdresser.
PREMIERSpremiers n. Plural of premier.
premiers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of premier.
PREMIER n. a chief in rank or office.
PRETRIMSpretrims v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pretrim.
PRETRIM v. to trim beforehand.
PRIMEROSPrimeros prop.n. Plural of Primero.
PRIMERO n. (Spanish) an old card game.
PRIMEURSprimeurs n. Plural of primeur.
PRIMEUR n. (French) a new or early thing; specifically in plural, fruit or vegetables grown to be available very early in the season.
PRIMMERSPrimmers prop.n. Plural of Primmer.
PRIMMER n. a book that covers the basics of a subject, also PRIMER.
PRIMROSEprimrose n. A flowering plant of the genus Primula.
primrose n. A plant of the family Primulaceae.
primrose n. A plant of the genus Oenothera, better known as an evening primrose.
PRIMROSYprimrosy adj. Having primroses growing.
PRIMROSY adj. full of primroses.
PRIMSIERPRIMSIE adj. (Scots) prim, demure.
PROMISERpromiser n. One who promises; a person who makes a promise; someone who makes a solemn promise to do something.
PROMISER n. one who promises, also PROMISOR, PROMISSOR.
PROMISORpromisor n. (Law, finance) One who engages or undertakes; a promiser.
PROMISOR n. one who promises, also PROMISER, PROMISSOR.
RAMPIRESrampires n. Plural of rampire.
RAMPIRE n. a flat-topped defensive mound.
REPRIMESreprimes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reprime.
REPRIME v. to prime again.
SCRIMPERscrimper n. One who scrimps.
SCRIMPER n. one who scrimps.
SHRIMPERshrimper n. One who fishes for or catches shrimp.
shrimper n. A boat used in fishing for shrimp.
Shrimper n. (Soccer) someone connected with Southend United Football Club, as a fan, player, coach etc.
SIMPERERsimperer n. One who simpers.
SIMPERER n. one who simpers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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