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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing I, M, O, P and 2R

IMPLORERimplorer n. (Rare) One who implores.
IMPLORER n. one who implores.
IMPORTERimporter n. One who, or that which, imports: especially a person or company importing goods into a country.
IMPORTER n. one that imports.
IMPROPERimproper adj. Unsuitable to needs or circumstances; inappropriate; inapt.
improper adj. Not in keeping with conventional mores or good manners; indecent or immodest.
improper adj. Not according to facts; inaccurate or erroneous.
IMPROVERimprover n. Something that, or someone who, improves something.
improver n. (Obsolete) Specifically, a person who improves land or property, a landscaper.
improver n. One who improves his or her performance, one who shows improvement (of individuals or groups).
PIRIFORMpiriform adj. Alternative form of pyriform.
piriform n. Alternative form of pyriform.
PIRIFORM adj. pear-shaped, also PYRIFORM.
PRIMEROSPrimeros prop.n. Plural of Primero.
PRIMERO n. (Spanish) an old card game.
PRIMROSEprimrose n. A flowering plant of the genus Primula.
primrose n. A plant of the family Primulaceae.
primrose n. A plant of the genus Oenothera, better known as an evening primrose.
PRIMROSYprimrosy adj. Having primroses growing.
PRIMROSY adj. full of primroses.
PRODROMIprodromi n. Plural of prodromus.
PRODROMUS n. a prefatory work; an initial symptom of a disease, also PRODROMA, PRODROME.
PROMISERpromiser n. One who promises; a person who makes a promise; someone who makes a solemn promise to do something.
PROMISER n. one who promises, also PROMISOR, PROMISSOR.
PROMISORpromisor n. (Law, finance) One who engages or undertakes; a promiser.
PROMISOR n. one who promises, also PROMISER, PROMISSOR.
PROPRIUMproprium n. (Philosophy) A property that applies to all members of a species and only to them, serving to distinguish…
proprium n. (Theology) selfhood.
PROPRIUM n. an attribute belonging inseparably to every member of a species.
PYRIFORMpyriform adj. (Biology) Pear-shaped.
pyriform n. A pyriform object.
PYRIFORM adj. pear-shaped, also PIRIFORM.
REIMPORTreimport n. The act or practice of importing again, or back to a place of origin; reimportation.
reimport n. A product which has been reimported.
reimport v. To import again.
TRIMORPHtrimorph n. (Crystallography) A substance which crystallizes in three distinct forms, or which has three distinct physical states.
trimorph n. (Crystallography) Any of the three forms of such a substance.
TRIMORPH n. a substance existing in three forms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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