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There are 19 eight-letter words containing I, M, N, O, T and U

ACONITUMaconitum n. The poisonous herb aconite; also, an extract from it.
aconitum n. Aconitum, a genus of plants in the family Ranunculaceae.
Aconitum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ranunculaceae – flowering plants in the buttercup family, with over…
ANTIMUONantimuon n. (Physics) A positively charged particle, the antiparticle corresponding to a muon.
anti-muon n. Alternative form of antimuon.
ANTIMUON n. the antiparticle of a muon.
DISMOUNTdismount v. (Transitive, intransitive) To (cause to) get off (something).
dismount v. (Computing, transitive, intransitive) To make (a mounted drive) unavailable for use.
dismount v. (Intransitive) To come down; to descend.
GUMPTIONgumption n. (Britain) Common sense, initiative, resourcefulness.
gumption n. (US) Boldness of enterprise; aggressiveness or initiative.
gumption n. (US) Energy of body and mind, enthusiasm.
MANITOUSmanitous n. Plural of manitou.
MANITOU n. (Native American) a name given by tribes of American Indians to a great spirit, whether good or evil, or to any object of worship, also MANITO, MANITU.
MINOTAURminotaur prop.n. (Greek mythology) Alternative letter-case form of Minotaur.
minotaur n. Anything resembling the Greek monster, whether by appearance or by strength.
Minotaur prop.n. (Greek mythology) A monster, half man and half bull, who dwelled in the labyrinth in Crete and who was…
MISCOUNTmiscount v. To count incorrectly.
miscount n. An incorrect counting.
MISCOUNT v. to count incorrectly.
MOULINETmoulinet n. (Fencing, chiefly sabre) A circular cut, often composed of a parry, usually prime or seconde, moving…
moulinet n. The drum upon which the rope is wound in a capstan, crane, etc.
moulinet n. A machine formerly used for bending a crossbow by winding it up.
MOULTINGmoulting v. Present participle of moult.
moulting n. A moult; the shedding of skin, feathers, etc.
MOULTING n. the act of shedding.
MOUNTAINmountain n. (Countable) An elevation of land of considerable dimensions rising more or less abruptly, forming a…
mountain n. (Countable) Something very large in size or quantity; a huge amount; a great heap.
mountain n. (Figuratively) A difficult task or challenge.
MOUNTINGmounting adj. That continues to mount; steadily accumulating.
mounting v. Present participle of mount.
mounting n. Something mounted; an attachment.
MOUSTINGMOUST v. to powder, also MUIST.
MOUTHINGmouthing v. Present participle of mouth.
mouthing n. The act of forming a shape with the mouth, especially as part of sign language.
mouthing n. Ranting; passionate speech devoid of meaning.
MULTITONmultiton adj. Weighing more than one ton.
multiton n. (Software, design) A creational design pattern resembling the singleton pattern except that multiple…
multiton n. (Programming) The class used for the multiton pattern.
MUNITIONmunition n. (Chiefly in the plural) Materials of war: armaments, weapons and ammunition.
munition n. (Chiefly in the plural, military, NATO) Bombs, rockets, missiles (complete explosive devices, in contrast…
munition n. (Rare, obsolete) A tower or fortification.
MUTATIONmutation n. Any alteration or change.
mutation n. (Genetics) Any heritable change of the base-pair sequence of genetic material.
mutation n. A mutant.
MUTINOUSmutinous adj. Likely to commit mutiny.
mutinous adj. Of, pertaining to, or constituting mutiny.
MUTINOUS adj. disposed to mutiny.
SMOUTINGsmouting v. Present participle of smout.
SMOUT v. (Scots) to work as a compositor doing odd jobs, also SMOOT.
TINAMOUStinamous n. Plural of tinamou.
TINAMOU n. (Caribbean) a South American game bird.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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