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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing I, L, O, S, U and V

AVULSIONavulsion n. The loss or separation of a body part, either by surgery or due to trauma.
avulsion n. An abrupt change in the course of a river, typically from one channel to another.
avulsion n. (Hydrology) Movement of soil during a flood, or during a change in the course of a river, especially…
EVULSIONevulsion n. (Now rare) The action of forcibly pulling something out.
EVULSION n. the act of pulling out.
OUTLIVESoutlives v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outlive.
OUTLIVE v. to live longer than.
PLUVIOSEpluviose adj. (Rare) Characterized by heavy rainfall; rainy.
Pluviôse prop.n. (Historical) The fifth month of the French Republican Calendar, from January 20, 21 or 22 to February 18, 19 or 20.
PLUVIOSE adj. pertaining to rain, also PLUVIOUS.
PLUVIOUSpluvious adj. Involving or relating to rain; rainy.
RIVULOSErivulose adj. Marked by thin, winding or crooked lines.
RIVULOSE adj. having narrow, winding lines.
SOLUTIVEsolutive adj. (Rare) Tending to produce relaxation (as of the bowels); having laxative properties.
solutive adj. Loosening (of strictness of contractual terms), through gradual dissolution of binding obligations (as…
SOLUTIVE n. a solvent or laxative.
SOUVLAKIsouvlaki n. A Greek fast food consisting of pieces of meat and sometimes vegetables grilled on a skewer, variously…
souvlaki n. A wrapped pancake dish filled with meat, salad and some kind of sauce or dressing, commonly called a kebab.
SOUVLAKI n. (Modern Greek) a Greek dish of lamb, similar to a shish kebab, also SOUVLAKIA.
VINOUSLYvinously adv. Under the influence of wine; drunkenly.
vinously adv. (Not comparable) In terms of wine.
VINOUS adv. pertaining to or like wine; fond of wine.
VOLUMISEvolumise v. Alternative spelling of volumize.
VOLUMISE v. to give extra body to hair, also VOLUMIZE.
VOLUMISTvolumist n. The author of a volume.
VOLUMIST n. an author.
VOLUTINSVOLUTIN n. a substance found in granular form in the cytoplasm of various cells.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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