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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing I, L, O, P, R and U

CROUPILYcroupily adv. In a croupy manner.
CROUPY adv. affected with croup.
NEUROPILneuropil n. A fibrous network of nervous tissue that forms the gray matter of the brain.
NEUROPIL n. a network of axons, dendrites and synapses within the central nervous system.
PERILOUSperilous adj. Dangerous, full of peril.
PLIOSAURpliosaur n. Any of several plesiosaurs, of the family Pliosauridae, from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.
PLIOSAUR n. a type of fossil marine reptile.
POLYURIApolyuria n. (Pathology) The production of an abnormally large amount of urine; one symptom of diabetes.
POLYURIA n. excessive urination.
POLYURICpolyuric adj. Relating to polyuria.
POLYURIC adj. relating to polyuria, the excessive secretion of urine.
PRELUDIOPRELUDIO n. (Italian) a prelude.
PROULINGprouling v. Present participle of proul.
PROUL v. to prowl, also PROLE, PROLL.
PURLOINSpurloins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of purloin.
PURLOIN v. to steal; to filch.
TROUPIALtroupial n. Any of three South American birds of the genus Icterus.
troupial n. (Formerly) Any bird of the American family Icteridae; an icterid.
TROUPIAL n. any of various American orioles, also TROOPIAL.
UNIPOLARunipolar adj. Having a single pole.
unipolar adj. (Psychology, medicine) Not both depressive and manic; not bipolar.
unipolar adj. (Politics) Of or relating to an international system in which one state wields most of the cultural…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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