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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing I, L, M, O, T and U

BOTULISMbotulism n. (Pathology) Poisoning caused by the toxin from Clostridium botulinum, an anaerobic bacterium that grows…
BOTULISM n. botulin poisoning.
BUMALOTIBUMALOTI n. (Marathi) a small marine Asiatic fish used in India as a relish, aka Bombay duck, also BUMALO, BUMMALO, BUMMALOTI.
GUMBOTILGUMBOTIL n. a dark sticky clay, formed by the weathering of boulder clay or glacial drift.
MOISTFULmoistful adj. (Archaic) Full of moisture.
MOISTFUL adj. full of moisture.
MOULINETmoulinet n. (Fencing, chiefly sabre) A circular cut, often composed of a parry, usually prime or seconde, moving…
moulinet n. The drum upon which the rope is wound in a capstan, crane, etc.
moulinet n. A machine formerly used for bending a crossbow by winding it up.
MOULTINGmoulting v. Present participle of moult.
moulting n. A moult; the shedding of skin, feathers, etc.
MOULTING n. the act of shedding.
MOUTHILYmouthily adv. In a mouthy manner.
MOUTHY adv. outspoken, obstreperous.
MULTITONmultiton adj. Weighing more than one ton.
multiton n. (Software, design) A creational design pattern resembling the singleton pattern except that multiple…
multiton n. (Programming) The class used for the multiton pattern.
OUTCLIMBoutclimb v. (Transitive) To climb better or farther than.
OUTCLIMB v. to surpass in climbing.
OUTSMILEoutsmile v. (Transitive) To surpass in smiling.
OUTSMILE v. to surpass in smiling.
SOLATIUMsolatium n. (Law) A form of compensation for emotional rather than physical or financial harm.
solatium n. (Figurative) Intangible or emotional compensation.
SOLATIUM n. (Latin) a compensation (as money) given as solace for suffering, loss, or injured feelings.
TIMOUSLYtimously adv. Alternative spelling of timeously.
TIMOUS adv. timely; seasonable, also TIMEOUS.
TURMOILSturmoils n. Plural of turmoil.
TURMOIL v. to cause a commotion.
VOLUMISTvolumist n. The author of a volume.
VOLUMIST n. an author.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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