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There are 19 eight-letter words containing I, L, M, N, O and T

LIMATIONlimation n. The act of filing or polishing.
LIMATION n. filing; (figurative) the process of refining or improving the appearance of something.
LIMONITElimonite n. (Mineralogy) Any of several natural hydrous iron oxides; often a mixture of goethite and hemite with…
LIMONITE n. a major ore of iron.
LONGTIMElongtime adj. Having endured for a long period of time.
longtime adv. Having been for a long time.
long-time adj. Alternative spelling of longtime.
MANNITOLmannitol n. (Organic chemistry) A polyhydroxy alcohol, an isomer of sorbitol, used as an artificial sweetener.
MANNITOL n. a sweet alcohol obtained from manna, also MANNITE.
MILTONIAmiltonia n. (Botany) Any orchid of the genus Miltonia.
MILTONIA n. a plant of the Miltonia genus of tropical American orchids with brightly-coloured flowers.
MIRLITONmirliton n. A pear-shaped vegetable or its vine; the chayote.
mirliton n. (Music) The eunuch flute, a kind of kazoo or membranophone.
mirliton n. An 18th-century hussar hat resembling a slightly conical shako or tall fez.
MOLINETSmolinets n. Plural of molinet.
MOLINET n. (French) a stick used to whip drinking chocolate in the 18th century.
MONOLITHmonolith n. (Also attributively) A large, single block of stone which is a natural feature; or a block of stone…
monolith n. (Also attributively and figurative) Anything massive, uniform, and unmovable, especially a towering…
monolith n. (Chemistry) A substrate having many tiny channels that is cast as a single piece, which is used as a…
MONTICLEmonticle n. (Now rare) A small mountain, or hillock.
MONTICLE n. a little hill, also MONTICULUS.
MORTLINGmortling n. (UK, dialect) An animal, such as a sheep, that has died of disease or privation.
mortling n. (UK) Wool taken from a dead sheep.
MORTLING n. a sheep that has died from disease, also MORLING.
MOTIONALmotional adj. Of or pertaining to motion.
MOTIONAL adj. relating to motion.
MOTTLINGmottling v. Present participle of mottle.
mottling n. Spots or blotches of different shades or colours.
MOTTLING n. a blotched appearance.
MOULINETmoulinet n. (Fencing, chiefly sabre) A circular cut, often composed of a parry, usually prime or seconde, moving…
moulinet n. The drum upon which the rope is wound in a capstan, crane, etc.
moulinet n. A machine formerly used for bending a crossbow by winding it up.
MOULTINGmoulting v. Present participle of moult.
moulting n. A moult; the shedding of skin, feathers, etc.
MOULTING n. the act of shedding.
MULTITONmultiton adj. Weighing more than one ton.
multiton n. (Software, design) A creational design pattern resembling the singleton pattern except that multiple…
multiton n. (Programming) The class used for the multiton pattern.
MYLONITEmylonite n. (Geology) Any rock that has undergone modifications due to dynamic recrystallization following plastic…
MYLONITE n. a hard, streaky, often granular rock produced by crushing.
PILOTMANpilotman n. (Rail transport, UK) A railway employee who directs operations over a section of railway line temporarily…
PILOTMAN n. a railway employee assigned to guide trains.
PILOTMENpilotmen n. Plural of pilotman.
PILOTMAN n. a railway employee assigned to guide trains.
TORMINALtorminal adj. Relating to tormina.
TORMINAL adj. relating to tormina, the gripes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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