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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing I, 2L, M, O and S

LISSOMLYlissomly adv. Alternative form of lissomely.
LISSOM adv. easily flexed, lithe, also LISSOME, LITHESOME.
LOCALISMlocalism n. (Uncountable) Attachment to a particular local place; feelings or policies which emphasize local phenomena.
localism n. (Countable, uncountable, linguistics) A linguistic feature that is unique to a locality.
localism n. (Uncountable, linguistics) The belief that language functions are localized to various parts of the brain.
LOYALISMloyalism n. The property of being a loyalist.
LOYALISM n. the state of being loyal, also LOYALTY.
MAILLOTSmaillots n. Plural of maillot.
MAILLOT n. (French) tights worn by a ballet dancer.
MELILOTSmelilots n. Plural of melilot.
MELILOT n. a wild flower.
MILFOILSmilfoils n. Plural of milfoil.
MILFOIL n. a yarrow, or other species of Achillea, with finely divided leaves.
MILLIONSmillions n. Plural of million.
MILLION n. a thousand thousand.
MISALLOTmisallot v. (Transitive) To allot or apportion badly or wrongly.
MISALLOT v. to allot wrongly.
MOORILLSMOORILL n. (Scots) a cattle disease of moorland districts, marked by haemoglobin in the urine.
MULLIONSmullions n. Plural of mullion.
MULLION v. to provide the upright division between the panes of a window.
PLIMSOLEplimsole n. Alternative form of plimsoll.
PLIMSOLE n. a rubber-soled cloth shoe, also PLIMSOLL, PLIMSOL.
PLIMSOLLplimsoll n. (Britain) A rubber-soled lace-up canvas shoe for sports or onboard ships; a precursor of trainers.
plimsoll n. The plimsoll symbol ⦵ (or o) that is used as a superscript in the notation of thermodynamics to indicate…
Plimsoll prop.n. A surname.
PLIMSOLSplimsols n. Plural of plimsol.
PLIMSOL n. a rubber-soled cloth shoe, also PLIMSOLL, PLIMSOLE.
SEMILLONSemillon prop.n. Alternative spelling of Sémillon.
Sémillon prop.n. A golden-skinned grape used to make dry and sweet white wines, most notably in France and Australia.
Sémillon prop.n. A variety of wine made from this grape.
TIMOLOLSTIMOLOL n. a relaxant medicine used to treat blood pressure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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