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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2I, R, S, T and V

AVIARISTaviarist n. A person who keeps an aviary.
AVIARIST n. a keeper of an aviary.
INVITERSinviters n. Plural of inviter.
INVITER n. one who invites.
IVORIESTIVORY adj. of a white colour.
IVORISTSivorists n. Plural of ivorist.
IVORIST n. a worker in ivory.
OVARITISovaritis n. (Pathology) inflammation of the ovary.
OVARITIS n. inflammation of an ovary.
PREVISITprevisit adj. Prior to a visit.
previsit n. A prior visit.
previsit v. To visit beforehand.
PRIVIESTpriviest adj. Superlative form of privy: most privy.
PRIVY adj. private.
REVISITSrevisits n. Plural of revisit.
revisits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of revisit.
REVISIT v. to visit again.
STRIVINGstriving v. Present participle of strive.
striving n. Effort; the act of one who strives.
STRIVING adj. trying hard.
TRIVIUMStriviums n. Plural of trivium.
TRIVIUM n. (Latin) a group of studies in medieval schools.
VAIRIESTVAIRY adj. charged or variegated with vair, squirrel fur, also VAIRE, VERREY, VERRY.
VERISTICveristic adj. Of or relating to the art movement called verism.
veristic adj. (Logic) Having multiple valid solutions.
VERISTIC adj. relating to verism, an artistic preference for the everyday over the legendary.
VERITIESverities n. Plural of verity.
VERITY n. truth.
VINTRIESvintries n. Plural of vintry.
VINTRY n. a place where wine is sold.
VIRTUOSIvirtuosi n. Plural of virtuoso.
VIRTUOSO n. (Italian) a highly skilled artistic performer.
VISITERSvisiters n. Plural of visiter.
VISITER n. someone who calls in to see you, also VISITOR, VISITANT.
VISITORSvisitors n. Plural of visitor.
VISITOR n. someone who calls in to see you, also VISITANT, VISITER.
VITRAINSvitrains n. Plural of vitrain.
VITRAIN n. a separable constituent of bright coal.
VITRINESvitrines n. Plural of vitrine.
VITRINE n. a glass showcase for art objects.
VITRIOLSvitriols n. Plural of vitriol.
vitriols v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vitriol.
VITRIOL v. to treat with sulfuric acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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