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There are 16 eight-letter words containing 2I, N, R and 2T

ANTIRIOTantiriot adj. Serving to counteract rioting.
anti-riot adj. Alternative form of antiriot.
ANTIRIOT adj. designed to end riots.
ATTIRINGattiring v. Present participle of attire.
attiring n. Ornamentation.
ATTIRING n. the act of dressing.
FRITTINGfritting v. Present participle of frit.
fritting n. The formation of frit or slag by heat with only incipient fusion.
FRIT v. to fuse into a vitreous substance, also FRITT.
GRITTINGgritting v. Present participle of grit.
gritting n. The act by which something is gritted.
GRITTING n. the act of pressing the teeth together.
INTERMITintermit v. (Transitive, now rare) To interrupt, to stop or cease temporarily or periodically; to suspend.
INTERMIT v. to stop temporarily.
INTERTIEintertie n. (Construction, architecture) In any framed work, a horizontal tie other than sill and plate or other…
INTERTIE n. a short timber binding together upright posts.
INTROITSintroits n. Plural of introit.
INTROIT n. (Latin) psalm or antiphon sung or said at the start of a service.
INTROMITintromit v. (Law, Scotland) To intermeddle with the effects or goods of another.
intromit v. (Transitive) To send in or put in; to insert or introduce.
intromit v. (Transitive) To allow to pass in; to admit.
IRRITANTirritant adj. Causing irritation or inflammation.
irritant adj. (Law, Scotland) Rendering null and void; conditionally invalidating.
irritant n. Any medication designed to cause irritation.
NITRITESnitrites n. Plural of nitrite.
NITRITE n. a salt of nitrous acid.
RETINITEretinite n. (Mineralogy) Any of various resins, similar in appearance to amber, associated with brown coal.
RETINITE n. an inflammable mineral resin, usually of a yellowish brown color, found in roundish masses, sometimes with coal.
SNITTIERsnittier adj. Comparative form of snitty: more snitty.
SNITTY adj. disagreeably ill-tempered.
STINTIERSTINTY adj. limited.
TRITHINGtrithing n. (Historical) One of three ancient divisions of a county in England; a riding.
TRITHING n. an administrative division in England.
TRITONIAtritonia n. (Botany) Any of the genus Tritonia of flowering plants in the iris family.
Tritonia prop.n. (Greek mythology) An epithet of the goddess Athena.
Tritonia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Iridaceae – flame freesias.
TRIUNITYtriunity n. The fact or state of being three in one (usually with reference to the Christian idea of the Trinity).
tri-unity n. Alternative form of triunity.
TRIUNITY n. a trinity, also TRIUNE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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