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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2I, N, R, S and V

DIVINERSdiviners n. Plural of diviner.
DIVINER n. one who divines.
DRIVINGSdrivings n. Plural of driving.
DRIVING n. the act of driving.
INVITERSinviters n. Plural of inviter.
INVITER n. one who invites.
MINIVERSminivers n. Plural of miniver.
MINIVER n. the ermine in winter coat, also MINEVER.
REIVINGSREIVING n. plundering.
REVISINGrevising v. Present participle of revise.
REVISE v. to make a new or improved version of.
REVISIONrevision n. (Uncountable) The process of revising…
revision n. (Countable) A changed edition, or new version; a modification.
revision n. (Countable) A story corrected or expanded by a writer commissioned by the original author.
SCRIVINGscriving v. Present participle of scrive.
SCRIVE v. to write, esp. with copious fluency.
SHRIVINGshriving v. Present participle of shrive.
shriving n. The hearing of a confession of sins.
SHRIVING n. (Spenser) shrift.
STRIVINGstriving v. Present participle of strive.
striving n. Effort; the act of one who strives.
STRIVING adj. trying hard.
VIBRIONSvibrions n. Plural of vibrion.
VIBRION n. a bacterium with a slight spiral curve, also VIBRIO.
VINERIESvineries n. Plural of vinery.
VINERY n. a place in which grapevines are grown.
VINTRIESvintries n. Plural of vintry.
VINTRY n. a place where wine is sold.
VISIONERvisioner n. (Archaic) A visionary, one who has visions.
visioner n. (Business) One who converts a vision (such as idea or concept) into a visual image, e.g. a storyboard…
VISIONER n. a person who sees visions.
VISORINGvisoring v. Present participle of visor.
VISOR v. to provide with a projecting brim, also VIZOR.
VITRAINSvitrains n. Plural of vitrain.
VITRAIN n. a separable constituent of bright coal.
VITRINESvitrines n. Plural of vitrine.
VITRINE n. a glass showcase for art objects.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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