DIPLOSIS | • DIPLOSIS n. a method of chromosome formation. |
ECLIPSIS | • eclipsis n. (Obsolete) An omission of words needed to fully express the sense of a phrase. • eclipsis n. A line or dash used to show that text has been omitted. • eclipsis n. (Irish grammar, Manx grammar) A mutation of the initial sound of a word by which voiceless sounds become… |
ELLIPSIS | • ellipsis n. (Typography, mathematics) A mark consisting of (in English) three periods, historically or more formally… • ellipsis n. (Grammar, rhetoric) The omission of a word or phrase that can be inferred from the context. • ellipsis n. (Film) The omission of scenes in a film that do not advance the plot. |
LISPINGS | • lispings n. Plural of lisping. • LISPING n. the act of lisping. |
PITILESS | • pitiless adj. Having, or showing, no pity; merciless, ruthless. • pitiless adj. Having no kindly feelings; unkind. • PITILESS adj. without pity. |
PLISKIES | • pliskies n. Plural of plisky. • PLISKIE n. a practical joke; a trick. |
PRISSILY | • prissily adv. In a prissy manner; in a manner that is excessively prim or proper. • PRISSY adv. affectedly proper. |
PSILOSIS | • psilosis n. (Phonology) The sound change by which Greek lost the consonant sound /h/ during antiquity. • psilosis n. (Medicine) Sprue, a disease of the small intestine. • PSILOSIS n. (Greek) loss of hair. |
PTILOSIS | • ptilosis n. (Ornithology) The appearance or study of feathers on a bird, including factors such as their texture or shape. • ptilosis n. (Medicine) Loss of the eyelashes, due to ulceration or other damage to the follicles. • PTILOSIS n. (Greek) plumage or mode of feathering. |
SIDESLIP | • sideslip n. (Aviation) A flight manoeuvre that uses opposing rudder and aileron inputs to move the aircraft sideways… • sideslip n. (Aviation) A flight condition where an aircraft’s longitudinal axis is not aligned with its direction… • sideslip n. (Aviation, uncountable, by extension) The angle between an aircraft’s longitudinal axis and its direction… |
SIMPLISM | • simplism n. The trait of oversimplifying things by ignoring complexity and complications. • SIMPLISM n. affected simplicity. |
SIMPLIST | • simplist n. (Archaic) One who gathers medicinal herbs; one who simples. • SIMPLIST n. (archaic) one skilled in simples, or medicinal plants, also SIMPLER. |
SPILINGS | • spilings n. (Archaic) The dimensions of the twist or curvature of a plank, measured from the edge of a batten or rule-staff. • SPILING n. the act of stopping with a spile. |
SPILITES | • spilites n. Plural of spilite. • SPILITE n. a fine-grained igneous rock of basaltic composition. |
SYPHILIS | • syphilis n. (Pathology) A disease spread via sexual activity, caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. • SYPHILIS n. a venereal disease, also SYPH. |
THLIPSIS | • thlipsis n. (Medicine, obsolete) Compression, especially constriction of vessels by an external cause. • thlipsis n. (Christianity) A time of hardship. • THLIPSIS n. (Greek) constriction, compression. |