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There are 16 eight-letter words containing 2I, L, P and 2S

DIPLOSISDIPLOSIS n. a method of chromosome formation.
ECLIPSISeclipsis n. (Obsolete) An omission of words needed to fully express the sense of a phrase.
eclipsis n. A line or dash used to show that text has been omitted.
eclipsis n. (Irish grammar, Manx grammar) A mutation of the initial sound of a word by which voiceless sounds become…
ELLIPSISellipsis n. (Typography, mathematics) A mark consisting of (in English) three periods, historically or more formally…
ellipsis n. (Grammar, rhetoric) The omission of a word or phrase that can be inferred from the context.
ellipsis n. (Film) The omission of scenes in a film that do not advance the plot.
LISPINGSlispings n. Plural of lisping.
LISPING n. the act of lisping.
PITILESSpitiless adj. Having, or showing, no pity; merciless, ruthless.
pitiless adj. Having no kindly feelings; unkind.
PITILESS adj. without pity.
PLISKIESpliskies n. Plural of plisky.
PLISKIE n. a practical joke; a trick.
PRISSILYprissily adv. In a prissy manner; in a manner that is excessively prim or proper.
PRISSY adv. affectedly proper.
PSILOSISpsilosis n. (Phonology) The sound change by which Greek lost the consonant sound /h/ during antiquity.
psilosis n. (Medicine) Sprue, a disease of the small intestine.
PSILOSIS n. (Greek) loss of hair.
PTILOSISptilosis n. (Ornithology) The appearance or study of feathers on a bird, including factors such as their texture or shape.
ptilosis n. (Medicine) Loss of the eyelashes, due to ulceration or other damage to the follicles.
PTILOSIS n. (Greek) plumage or mode of feathering.
SIDESLIPsideslip n. (Aviation) A flight manoeuvre that uses opposing rudder and aileron inputs to move the aircraft sideways…
sideslip n. (Aviation) A flight condition where an aircraft’s longitudinal axis is not aligned with its direction…
sideslip n. (Aviation, uncountable, by extension) The angle between an aircraft’s longitudinal axis and its direction…
SIMPLISMsimplism n. The trait of oversimplifying things by ignoring complexity and complications.
SIMPLISM n. affected simplicity.
SIMPLISTsimplist n. (Archaic) One who gathers medicinal herbs; one who simples.
SIMPLIST n. (archaic) one skilled in simples, or medicinal plants, also SIMPLER.
SPILINGSspilings n. (Archaic) The dimensions of the twist or curvature of a plank, measured from the edge of a batten or rule-staff.
SPILING n. the act of stopping with a spile.
SPILITESspilites n. Plural of spilite.
SPILITE n. a fine-grained igneous rock of basaltic composition.
SYPHILISsyphilis n. (Pathology) A disease spread via sexual activity, caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum.
SYPHILIS n. a venereal disease, also SYPH.
THLIPSISthlipsis n. (Medicine, obsolete) Compression, especially constriction of vessels by an external cause.
thlipsis n. (Christianity) A time of hardship.
THLIPSIS n. (Greek) constriction, compression.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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